Win a Full Scholarship for F&TA’s Laying the Foundation: Volume 1!

There is a scholarship contest for Volume 1!
This is the second round of our Laying the Foundation program. The pilot program was an instant success and this year it will only get better!It is guaranteed to change your life and your jewelry business! You can read more about the course content here: Laying the Foundation Volume 1.
So I guess you are probably ready to get to the good stuff…
We are actually giving away a Scholarship for a Silver Membership to one lucky jewelry designer!
Here is how you can win the scholarship:
Remember: you are artists so be creative with your submission! Following the rules is a must and if you bend the rules, we can’t take your submission into account.
Here’s what you need to do:
Submit a 90 second or less video or a 300-500 written submission answering the following questions:
- Where are you in your jewelry business now?
- What’s holding you back in your business and your life?
- What is your vision for your business? Where do you want to go? What are your biggest dreams and desires?
How to get started:
Step #1
Follow us on Twitter and Pinterest, and like us on Facebook
For Video Submission:
Upload your video to YouTube and make it PUBLIC.
Your Video Title: Flourish & Thrive Academy Laying the Foundation Volume 1 vid by (Your Name)
Your Video Description: – Flourish & Thrive Academy – A 30-day virtual program for jewelry designers who want to learn the step-by-step process of building a business platform guaranteed to yield more cash, more clarity and more freedom.
To complete your valid entry, leave a comment below this post with a link to your YouTube video entry.
For Written Submission:
The written submission must be in the form of a blog post or other online publication.
The Submission Title: Flourish & Thrive Academy Laying the Foundation Volume 1
To complete your valid entry, leave a comment below this post with a link to your Blog entry. Make sure you link back to Flourish & Thrive on Your Blog!
Social Media Bonus!
If you let your twitter and facebook friends know about the contest – you get bonus points!
Twitter Swipe:
- Pls RT Help me win a free ticket to @flourish_thrive’s Laying the Foundation: Volume 1 #FTAcademy
- This @flourish_thrive scholarship is all mine! #FTAcademy Pls RT
- Pls RT I Just entered @flourish_thrive’s Laying the Foundation: Volume 1 contest! #FTAcademy
- I am a jewelry designer gettin' biz savvy! Just Entered @flourish_thrive contest! #FTAcademy
Facebook Swipe (tag us):
Help me win a scholarship to @Flourish & Thrive Academy's Laying the Foundation Volume 1! I am ready to get business savvy! Please comment below and share this with your friends.
You can, of course, write your own, but you must include our handle and hashtag @flourish_thrive / #FTAcademy, use the official link: (post a link to your video or written submission)
Pin this:

You can post up to 3 times a day on social media!!
Contest ENDS Sunday, January 13th, Midnight and the winner will be announced January 14th!
Tracy, Robin & the F&TA team will be the judges. Yes, our decision is completely subjective. It is also final. Just be honest, creative and confident!
Here's what the last scholarship winner says about the course::