#10: Key Insights From Our Panel of Experts at the FTA Live Event 2015

In September of 2015, we had our very first live Flourish & Thrive Academy event. It was the first time I was speaking live and, you can imagine, I was anxious and relieved by the time the big day arrived.
The event, which was a live extension of our mastermind program, wasn’t open to the public and we had a really amazing group of about thirty people in a small space in Soho in New York.
It such an exciting experience that we wanted to take an episode to share with you our biggest takeaways from the event. Let’s get started!
Click here to download the show notes

Your Story is Your Greatest Asset
Over and over, whether it was Robin, one of our speakers, or myself, everyone on the panel reiterated one point: The story of your brand is the biggest determining factor on whether or not they would buy your line, how well the lines sold, and how business can promote a brand.
Be Authentic
Trends come and go, but originality and authenticity are key. We hear this advice all the time, but it’s not something to be ignored.
Strong Core Values Are a Must
Core values is one of my favorite topics and something I focused on during my talk at the event. Defining your business’ core values is so vital because these values will inform just about everything you do in your business. From company culture to customer service to marketing, strong core values shine through in every aspect of your business.
What NOT To Say
One of my biggest takeaways from Robin’s talk was learning different words or phrases that you’d never want to use in a sales conversation. Little things like “I can’t,” “it’s only going to take a minute,” and “it’s not my fault,” can truly set you up for failure in the conversation. Be sure you’re proactive and your language is offering a solution to the issue at hand.
Pick Up The Phone
Actually picking up the phone to communicate with clients, especially with buyers, is the best relationship building technique you can implement in your business. Having a conversation that’s not over the distanced platform of email can make a world of difference to some buyers and customers, especially if you’re wholesaler or selling direct-to-consumer. A phone call can make a subtle point, as if to say “this is worth my time,” and it will set you apart from the rest.
Millennials Are Growing Consumers
This was one of our biggest takeaways from the event. Whether your niche or market is targeting the current millennial age group, it’s important to take note of their buying habits. The jewelry industry is in the process of adapting to the way millennials buy as their buying power goes. Learning how to market to them, and doing so, is going to be really important in the coming future.
The event turned out to be a huge eye-opener for everyone from our mastermind students to the speakers! We have DOZENS of more takeaways in the podcast, but we couldn’t possibly fit them all here. Go ahead and listen to the podcast (above) to hear the rest!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Rebecca Moskal of Communique L.A.
Drew Riley of Hunting with Jake
Megan Dolbee of the Harris Dolbee Showroom
Meghan Patrice Riley MPR Jewelry
Allyson Bainbridge Riccardi of Bambolina NYC
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