#12: Attitude of Gratitude Fest with Tracy Matthews

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On today’s episode, we’re celebrating Thanksgiving Day with a big thank-you to all of our listeners. Thank-YOU to everyone showing up every episode.

I wanted to take some time this podcast and reflect on how I stay grounded and grateful even in the face of life’s many obstacles.

Today is going to be all about having an attitude of gratitude, so listen through to the end of the episode for a special, extra-grateful bonus!

Change Your Mindset With Affirmations

If you want to learn how to be for thankful, my #1 piece of advice is to take a look at your mindset and see what you can change for the better. I talk a lot about creating personal affirmations to repeat to yourself daily, and today, I’m no different. Having an effective affirmation practice can do wonders in keeping your energy and mindset in the right place.

Daily Journaling

There seems to be a stigma around journaling. Many people think that they’re just not a ‘journaling type’ or person, or that they’re just not someone who could keep up with a habit like that. ‘Don’t knock it until you try it’ is what I say to that! Having a nightly journal practice has done wonders in helping me reflect on the day’s events and learn to keep things in perspective.


Finding celebration and taking more appreciation from the smaller things in life is not only fun, but a solid way to maintain a humble and grateful attitude. Whether you’re gaining clients in your business or having a great meal with a friend, allow yourself to feel good and congratulate others on even the smallest of successes.

Don’t forget to listen through the podcast to learn about the many, many more ways you can maintain an attitude of gratitude, AND receive a special bonus treat!

Whether you’re in the states or abroad, we hope today is a much needed fest of gratitude and reflection!

Want more gratitude?


Download Our Daily Gratitude Guide!

Approach Life with an Attitude of Gratitude to Increase Your Happiness and Success!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Brian Tracy of Hay House
The Five Minute Journal App
Josh Pais Creative Invincibility at Committed Impulse
F&TA Simple Pricing Cheatsheet

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