#14: Writing Copy that Sells with Makena Sage

Are you the type of designer who can make gorgeous jewelry appear out of thin air, but is totally lost when it comes writing copy?
Whether it’s for your about page, your product descriptions, or your social media posts, we know you have been dying to hear from copywriters on the Thrive By Design podcast. That’s why we’re so thrilled to have expert copywriter Makena Sage from Marketing With Heart on the show today.
Prepare to have your burning questions answered as we go over the top tips Makena gave us on how to write copy that sells!
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It’s ALL About Your DREAM Client
As you know, we’re big fans of basing your entire marketing strategy around your ideal, DREAM client. When it comes to writing copy, even our expert agrees!
“The main thing you want to happen when someone comes to your about page,” Makena explains, “is you want your idea client – not everyone – to go, ‘this person gets me,’ and stay in that page long enough to know, like, and trust you.”
Get in the Zone
Writer’s across the globe know the pain of starting on a blank page. Looking at a blank sheet of paper or an all-white word document can be daunting to say the least.
Try putting, say, all your product descriptions in one folder so you can have other examples to bounce off of when writing new ones. While you’re at it, is your workspace clean and free of distractions? Do you work better seated on a comfy couch or a posture-straightening desk chair?
After all, how is anyone suppose to write with bills on their desk sitting in an uncomfortable position? At the end of the day, as Makena says, it’s all about asking yourself “what is the environment you need to be in to feel creative?”
Observe and Analyze
No one can tell you exactly what methods or what copy is going to work for specifically your business. Unfortunately, the only way to know is to find out yourself.
Trial and error is the best method to use when you’re building your social media presence, and the same goes for all types of copy. If you see a boost in sales after editing a product description, great!
Examine your copy and see how you can apply those changes to other descriptions. If it didn’t go over so well, don’t sweat it. Revamp it again and again until you see positive results.
If you’re in need of inspiration, or you don’t know where to start, try observing yourself. As Makena explains in the episode, keeping a folder on your desktop labelled “Marketing that works on me” is one great way of keeping track of your inspirations!
Makena goes in-depth on all these points and more in the podcast, so be sure to take a listen and press ‘play’ above!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Makena Sage of Marketing with Heart
Marie Forleo B-School
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