#50 Holiday Sales 2016 Edition

My grandfather used to always tell me “the earlybird gets the worm.”
I never totally understood what they meant (even though he woke at 3 am most of his life)…
…until my first holiday season with my jewelry business.
Here’s a statistic for you-
Most jewelry businesses make at least 50% of their revenue during the last four months of the year.
And still, most designers don’t start prepping for this super important season until it’s Way too late.
I’ll let you in on a secret…the time to start getting ready for holiday is NOW.
I totally get it, you look outside and it’s 95 degrees and sunny.
The holiday season is probably the furthest thing from your mind right now.
But to be successful in reaching your sales goals for your biz right this year you have to train yourself to start thinking about it now.
On today’s episode I am going to walk you through some simple, effective steps that will get you on the right path to your best holiday sales season Ever.
Let’s get to it!
Click here to download the show notes
Set the Right Goals
Your first step to having a great holiday season is to set the right sales goals for your business. I like to suggest to designers that they look at their sales numbers from last year and add a small increase to that.
If this is your first year in businesses, pick a fourth quarter goal that you think you can hit. Your job is to find sales goals that will make you stretch a little bit, but isn’t so unrealistic that you’ll never be motivated to hit is.
Set Your Course
Now is the time to be breaking down your holiday sales by month and setting up your road map for how you will achieve your goals. You should consider which media outlets you want to be featured in and make your pitch to them now.
Editors are filling their holiday gift guides and laying out their November/December publications Now, so you need to reach out them right away.
Make sure that you’re focusing on your marketing so that when the holidays hit you are prepared and potentially you could get some placements in some magazines to really help your sales.
Finish Your Collection
This is one of the most overlooked parts of getting prepared to rock your holiday sales, but it’s also one of the Most important. Your holiday collection needs to be completed this month so that you can pitch it to media, and to wholesale buyers if that’s your model.
Wholesale holiday shows usually take place in August, and if you can get your jewelry in front of buyers before they spend their holiday budget at the shows then you will be ahead of the game!
Now, because holiday is such an important to for most jewelry businesses, and there is So Much that goes into it, Robin and I have developed a guide to help you through it.
It’s called 151 Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales…and it will walk you through Everything that we use to rock the season.
Click Here to download your guide, and you’ll be celebrating in December.
xo, Tracy
151 Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales Resource