#52 Building Sales and PR Confidence With Sabina Hitchen

Either you have it or you don’t…
…it’s not one of those things that you can fake.
In business, confidence is the key to skyrocketing sales.
If you believe in yourself and in your brand then other people will naturally begin to follow suit.
On the flip side, if you have a hard time telling people why your jewelry brand is amazing then you won’t catch the attention of buyers.
If confidence is one of your struggles in entrepreneurship, then you are in the right place today.
My guest on today’s episode is Sabina Hitchen, the PR maven behind Sabina Knows.
Sabina is a master at helping business owners change their mindset from unsure and timid to confident and take charge.
On this episode she will be sharing some steps that you can take now to boost your confidence if you struggle with it, and affirming your value if you don’t.
I hope you’re ready to be encouraged!
Let’s jump in.
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Don’t Take it Personally
Here’s the first step to gaining confidence in your jewelry biz PR and Sales…don’t take it personally! Just because you hear “no” from a buyer or an editor does not mean that your jewelry is awful and your brand is not worthy. Quite the opposite actually!
Buyers and Editors, just like you, have a dream client or market in mind when they meet with designers. If your brand doesn’t speak to their target audience then they will tell you no. Which is a good thing! It means that your brand has a strong message and speaks loudly to your dream client, even if it doesn’t match up with theirs.
Be Sure of Your Story
This one might seem pretty basic, but it can really make or break your jewelry biz. You have to know where you came from in order to get where you’re going. So…if you haven’t already done this, I would challenge you to spend time this week working on your story…also commonly referred to as the “about me” section of your website or catalog.
Customers connect with storytelling. If you can present yours in a clear and compelling way then you will watch your sales rise.
Establish A Cheerleading Squad
Pom Poms not required! Sabina recognized early on that sometimes all of her own positive affirmations and meditations weren’t enough to bring her into a confident mindset in the face of a huge PR or Sales undertaking.
So she would get on the phone with family and friends who could speak straight to her heart and encourage her with reminders how amazing she is and how incredible her brand has become. I highly recommend that you do the same. Get a team of people that you can call when you need a confidence boost, and let them know that they play this important role in your business.
And remember, you are always one conscious decision away from becoming a confident entrepreneur.
xo, Tracy
p.s. Are you joining us for our 14-Day FREE event called the Sales Amplifier Bootcamp. It starts August 1st and ends August 14th.
Check out the details and join before it’s too late
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