#73 How to Make Up Your Mind When Your Fear Becomes Overwhelming

What emotions come to mind when you succeed?
Good ones, right?
You’re queen of the mountain! You feel happy, strong, brave, smart, and confident. You’re walking on air:; all smiles.
It’s amazing.
What about fear? That didn’t even enter your mind, did it?
Fear is so common, especially for designers and makers who are risking what feels like a part of their hearts by putting their art out into the world. It feels vulnerable.
Maybe you’re afraid of making the wrong decision or of being rejected or worse, making a bad financial move that will put you out of business.
My past mistakes still creep up on me and I start to get terrified to make a move.
Years ago, I completely shut down my first jewelry biz. To this day, old patterns and fears come back and trip me up, bigtime.
But I’ve learned how to overcome my fears and so can you!
In today’s episode, I teach you five steps you can take to overcome your fears right now.
It’s the perfect time to learn. Just a few days until the new year – wipe the slate clean! Get a fresh start for 2017 and give yourself a little TLC.
We’re doing a little refreshing at Flourish & Thrive I think you’d love, too.
In January, we’re launching our totally new, FREE training, Jewelry Brand Makeover Bootcamp. In just ten short days, you’ll get your biz in shape for 2017!
Now let’s get to this fantastic episode and take fear down!
Click here to download the show notes
Why You’re Experiencing Fear
When I started my first jewelry biz, it became something I didn’t want. I was so overwhelmed by the details and nothing ran on its own. I wanted to be able to travel and live the life I’d always dreamed – and I wasn’t.
So I changed my biz.
When you experience fear, it comes from a place that resists change. Fear of trying something new, fear of failure, fear of success – they’re all about change.
Afraid of losing money on a new advertising campaign? That’s change, too! You’re trying something new, so fear sneaks up and takes over!
Don’t let fear stop you. You have a choice; you can change!
Overcoming Fear
Overcoming fear isn’t hard. Fear isn’t truth. It’s just an emotion.
One of my favorite quotes from Fritz Perls is “Fear is just excitement without the breath.”
That says it all.
You’re making a decision and fear stops you in your tracks. Sound familiar?
When I was deciding to invest in creating the Jewelry Brand Makeover, a lot of past business mistakes came back to haunt me. Afraid of repeating the past, I let those bad experiences define how I was approaching my decision.
So I meditated on it, took deep breaths (both part of the five steps from the podcast) and I overcame the fear that clouded my judgment.
Once I removed fear from the equation, I knew my decision to make the Jewelry Brand Makeover was an educated choice and totally the right move. It wasn’t a repeat of the past – I had nothin’ to be afraid of!
Envisioning Your Biz
I taught yoga for a long time, and at the end of each year, I always told my students to envision what they would create for themselves in the new year.
Since the new year is just around the bend, I want you to do the same.
What will you create for yourself in next year? What will your biz be like in 2017?
… And don’t let fear get anywhere close to your dreams. Not even with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole…!
Be sure to check out the podcast. You’re going to conquer your fears in no time with all the great info in there!
I can’t believe this is the last podcast of 2016! Thank you all so much for being here with me today, this year, and always.
I’m off to get some much-needed R&R. I hope you’re doing the same!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
xo, Tracy
Jewelry Brand Makeover Bootcamp
Jewelry Business Incubator
End of Year Planning Prep With Robin Kramer
How to Hire a Manufacturer or a Contractor for Jewelry Production