#59 How 6 Designers Grew their businesses like crazy in 6 months

Who do you turn to when you have a question about your jewelry biz?
When I was first starting out as a designer, I turned to my friend Suzi, who was a sweater designer. She had been in the fashion industry for a few years and she had great advice, but unfortunately it wasn’t always super relatable to my jewelry business.
It kinda sucked because even though she was trying to help, her advice was just a bit off the mark and led me to wasting a bunch of time barking up the wrong tree.
For instance, I asked about great stores to sell in LA and she gave me a long list of her accounts. However, many of those stores didn’t sell jewelry or my “type” of jewelry. Yep, wasted a lot of time on that one.
Or I asked her the best trade show to do which for sweater designers was Coterie at the time. However, Coterie was pretty much just for clothing back then.
Close but no cigar.
When I asked my jewelry designer friends, often times they weren’t super “open” with information like Suzi had been. Relatable advice but no one wanted to share..
I had to figure a lot of stuff out on my own, which led to mistakes and much slower growth than I would have liked.
Fast forward a few years…..
It’s quite different when you can “mastermind” with peers who can actually help.
For instance…
Just a few days ago, as Robin and I prepped for our live event in NYC, a question came up about how to budget for an expense to revenue ratio.
I had no idea, and a quick Google search was an epic failure.
But I knew just who to call, my friend Kate, from my Mastermind
She specializes in event planning, and she walked me through the answer in a quick 10 minutes.
Having this connection and knowing who to ask saved me an hour of work.
That’s the power of having a talented group of creative thinkers around you who understand your business niche.
Here at F&TA Robin & I call it Masterminding.
On today’s episode we are introducing you to 6 jewelry designers who have been in our Mastermind for the past year.
These six talented designers have grown their businesses like crazy by implementing what they’ve learned as part of the Mastermind.
(We are super proud of them)
And we can’t wait to share their stories.
So join Robin and I in the episode!
Click here to download the show notes
Why Being In a Mastermind Rocks
Being in a Mastermind really boils down to being accountable to a group of peers and coaches who have your best interest in mind.
You get one-to-one support for your individual business needs from a coach who has tons of experience being where you’re trying to get.
All Shapes and Sizes
Masterminds come in all shapes and sizes. Robin’s group is called BAB (you’ll have to listen to the episode to find out what that means!) They are a small group who know each other super well and meet regularly.
My Mastermind is full of entrepreneurs from around the country. We meet as a group three times per year in different cities. The important thing is to find a Mastermind group that meets the specific needs of your own business and can support you!
The Circle of Trust
One of the coolest parts of being in a Mastermind group is the deep level of connection and relationship that its members make with each other. I call it the circle of trust.
Masterminding allows members to get really vulnerable and be very specific about what’s going on so that they can actually get the support that they need.
Our Flourish & Thrive Academy Mastermind is opening up for applications this week. We only open it once a year!
Thank you for allowing us to do life and business together with you!
xo, Tracy
F&TA 2017 Mastermind
Sponsor: Nina Designs