#29: Authentic Branding Elements Every Jewelry Designers Needs with Allyson Bainbridge Riccardi

On today’s episode, I sat down with Bambolina NYC’s brand marketing and social media strategist Allyson Bainbridge Riccardi. I first met Allyson at a Women’s Jewelry Association event nearly a year ago, and I’m so excited to finally have her on the show today. And, yes, I squeezed out every bit of advice Allyson had for jewelry designers in today’s market, so stay tuned!
Click ‘play’ below and let’s dive into the 3 Essential, Authentic Brand Elements Every Jewelry Designer Needs!
Click here to download the show notes
A Focused Aesthetic
“Everybody wants to feel understood,” Marie explained to me. “They want to feel like they’re an individual. They’re unique with their own quirks, their own kind of personality facets.”
Often, emerging designers have a passion for what they do. Unfortunately, that can sometimes translate into being a little too attached to their creations. Avoid messy or thrown-together branding by honing in on your ideal, DREAM client and your brand journey. Use your WHY, your reason for starting your business, and your DREAM customer as your guiding light when deciding what branding elements will fit your brand’s growing aesthetic.
Look to Non-Jewelry Brands
Don’t just get your branding inspiration or tips from fellow jewelry designers. Look to brands that you, the jewelry designer, gravitate toward and are interested in. What brands does your DREAM client shop at, and what branding elements do they enjoy? Listen to Allyson and mine’s favorites in the episode above for more inspiration!
Define Your Differentiator
What makes your jewelry and your brand stand out? What is your USP (unique selling proposition)? (Or, F&TA’s Laying the Foundation alum will know, what is your DSP, or Desired Sharing Proposition?). From the materials you use to your brand’s origin story, pinpoint just what is it that differentiates your brand from the rest.
Take a listen to the podcast episode (above) to hear Allyson and I’s full conversation on all the elements you need to make sure your branding is coming from an authentic and effective place.
While we delve into all areas of Allyson’s expertise in the podcast, be sure to check her out after the show! You can find Allyson putting her brand and content strategies to work over at Bambolina NYC.
Don't Forget…
If you’re looking to really build a huge online presence for your business in a big way Marie Forleo’s B-School course is currently open for registration! Click here to check out Tracy's bonus suite.
Links mentioned in today's podcast:
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