#68 Boost Your E-Commerce Sales with Steve Chou

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to boost their e-commerce sales?
Of course you do!
If you have an online business, you're likely gearing up for the busiest few weeks of the year.
The holidays can be a super stressful time, so developing an e-commerce strategy to make the most of it is key.
One that can be replicated before, during, and after the craziness is over, too.
Think beyond the short term here, designers!
My guest today is an online marketing genius!
I’m chatting with Steve Chou (trust me, you won’t be disappointed)! Today’s episode is absolutely chock-full of marketing goodies!
Steve is the co-founder of BumblebeeLinens.com which has been featured on the Today Show, Real Simple, and Brides magazine just to name a few.
He’s now also teaching others how to start a profitable online store at MyWifeQuiteHerJob.com
Without further adieu, let’s jump into this podcast and hear what Steve has to say!
Click here to download the show notes
Finding Your Niche
I know what you’re thinking – Jewelry IS niche… how can I possibly make it more niche? But you can. And when you hear in the podcast what Steve has to say, trust me, you’ll be taking his advice!
Steve built Bumblebee Linens around one simple, exclusive product: handkerchiefs. He knew that being successful would depend on his product’s uniqueness and it totally did.
When identifying your niche, remember it’s about you, your product, and your story. It’s so much more than just saying “I sell modern gold and silver jewelry.” Give it some personality.
Using Content to Drive Sales
You all know that attracting customers to your e-commerce site can be beyond difficult. But no worries…. That blog you’ve been working on? Yeah, it’s the best way ever to get customers to your site.
Blogging maximizes SEO in a way that a simple product listing can’t. The key is in linking your blogs to your products. Your goal here is to get more linkbacks, improve your search rankings, and sales conversions.
Not blogging yet? I challenge you to write your first post! But wait….You’re bound to make one crucial mistake on your blog posts, so check out the podcast for the full scoop!
And don’t forget, content is king!
3 Prong Marketing Approach
Creating a marketing strategy for your ecommerce biz is seriously important for the long term success of your company. And it’s not as hard as you think!
Steve uses a 3 prong advertising approach for marketing his online business: pay-per-click advertising, email marketing and SEO (or content!). All of which you can employ to boost your online sales.
Make sure you listen to the entire episode for many more ideas on building a successful e-commerce store through the holidays and beyond.
Make sure to share this episode of Thrive By Design with your designer friends! They’re definitely going to want to hear Steve’s advice, too.
xo, Tracy
Bumblebee Linens
Nina Designs