#309 How to Use Pinterest to Get More Traffic to Your Site, Grow Your Audience, and Make More Sales with Andrea Li

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The other day, I logged onto Pinterest for the first time in a while.

We’re going through some marketing team changes over here at Flourish & Thrive Academy, and I wanted to check up on our Pinterest presence.

“OMG, where did my boards go?!”

Turns out, the platform had changed quite a bit since I last logged in. I immediately called up our resident Pinterest expert, Andrea Li.

Andrea is a coach in our Momentum program and graduate of Laying the Foundation. She’s also a wildly successful jewelry designer, and a bit of a Pinterest insider.

Her jewelry brand marketing on Pinterest is so successful – Pinterest actually recruited her to beta test features for them!

I was ecstatic when she agreed to sit down with me for the podcast and offer her insights into how the platform is changing, and how jewelry designers can use it to create evergreen content and make more sales.

It’s all about being strategic about how you use the platform.

Click here to download the show notes

Treat Pinterest Like A Search Engine

Pinterest is a discovery platform.

Most popular social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, are centered around engagement. To be successful, you have to spend a lot of time on the platform.

That’s not the case for Pinterest. Instead, you should focus your time on creating high quality content and optimizing it for search engines.

That means keywords are king on Pinterest. Andrea suggests having keywords in your…

  • Profile
  • Board Titles
  • Board Descriptions
  • Pin Titles
  • Pin Descriptions

Try to think of words people would use to google the topic your content is about. Even better, do some keyword research or look to other jewelry brands for inspiration.

Leverage Your Blog Content

Andrea’s killer Pinterest strategy centers around the blog content you create for your website. 

Her process begins by thinking about topics she wants to cover. Ideally, topics her Dream Clients are likely searching for information about online.

Then, Andrea thinks of ways to tie that content into an offer she has going on.

One piece of blog content can be turned into multiple pieces of content for Pinterest – and other social media platforms, while you’re at it.

Create Email List Opt-Ins

Creating good content is only the beginning. The goal is to get people onto your email list.

Andrea creates email list opt-ins related to the content on her blog.

For those who don’t know already, an opt-in is anything that incentivizes a customer to exchange their email address for something of value, like a discount, perk, or download.

Andrea prefers to create high-value virtual deliverables for her opt-ins. For instance, she made a complete guide to silver jewelry, with information on different types of silver jewelry, how to clean it, and how to avoid tarnishing it.

In addition to her pins about her blog content, Andrea also creates pins for the accompanying email list opt-in.

With this strategy, any jewelry designer can effectively use Pinterest to drive website traffic, build an audience, and make more sales. 

Listen to the full episode above for more insider Pinterest tips from Andrea Li!

xo, Tracy


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Andrea Li Designs on Pinterest

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