Message About #BlackOutTuesday

At Flourish & Thrive Academy, we were founded on the mantra of #CommunityandCollaborationOverCompetition.
From the beginning, we’ve been here to support diversity in the jewelry community and businesses of all types.
Today, we stand together to support the Black community against racism, social injustice, and violence.
We vow to pledge our support to Black businesses in our community and beyond, our employees and contractors, and entrepreneurs.
We will use our voices to speak up against injustice and our platform to create ongoing support for equality and justice.
We thank the Black members of our community who have given us insights on how we can better serve as a whole.
As a business, we pledge to educate ourselves and lean into our core value to “always be learning and growing” and to use our platform for good.
Thank you for being a part of our community and we look forward to serving you better.