#220 Building Community and Die Hard Fans Around Your Brand with Chelsea Farmer

If you’re struggling with social media, read on…
You can have a strong social media presence and an online community of raving fans without having millions of followers.
What’s more valuable than numbers is how you engage with your following and how they engage with each other. Having 100 active followers is so much better than having 1,000 that never say anything.
And you don’t need a huge team of social media managers, copywriters, and marketing experts for your online accounts to succeed. With the right strategy, you can build a flourishing community around your brand.

Introducing, Chelsea Farmer. She’s the founder of Horsefeathers Gifts and one of our very own Momentum coaches!
I’ve worked with her for a while now, and let me tell you she is such a gem.
Her bubbly and magnetic personality translates well to her social media, and she’s cultivated quite the community of die-hard supporters for her jewelry brand.
With a private facebook group of over 1,000 happy customers, you could say she’s a bit of a social media whiz.
I sat down with Chelsea this week to talk about how she built this community, and how she leverages it for online sales.
Be Authentic
When Chelsea goes to write a social media post, she writes it as though she’s talking to a friend.
Her casual, engaging tone draws people in and bridges the gap between business owner and customer.
Her posts don’t read like they’re from a company but from a friend.
And she’s always turning the spotlight around, inviting her customers to share pictures of how they wear their jewelry in everyday life.
The customers form relationships, not only with Chelsea and her brand but with each other, too.
Share the Journey
Generating content for social media is super easy as a jewelry designer.
Snapping some work-in-progress pics every now and then can be the difference between an active online community and radio silence.
Chelsea even takes it a step further and shares the whole process, from concept design to packing and shipping the bracelets (sometimes with the help of her mom).
The people in her community support Chelsea’s brand because they have shared her journey and feel invested in her success.
Incentivize with Ambassador Programs
When Chelsea noticed that some of the people in her community were promoting her jewelry and practically working as her sales department, she wanted to give back.
So, she created an ambassador program.
Members of the program get a 10% commission from every piece of jewelry they sell. If they sell more than $300 in a month, they get a $50 gift card to her store.
So many people want to be ambassadors, that she has to take applications!
If you want to learn how to get raving fans like Chelsea, she laid out some solid advice in this episode that could really help you.
See you next week, m’dear!
xo, Tracy
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