
Win a Full Scholarship for F&TA’s Multiply Your Profits Course!

By Tracy Matthews / April 18, 2014

This course is guaranteed to change your life and your jewelry business! You can go here to hear more about the course content and FREE trainings: Multiply Your Profits This course is perfect for jewelry designers who are…

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Silversmithing Techniques For Those Who Want to Master Their Skill

By Tracy Matthews / February 11, 2014

By Cheryl Adamson of Mastered.Co Are you feeling a little under-confident or uninspired by your jewellery making skills? At Mastered, we bring our students the best in creative education, which means learning the techniques that take your jewellery…

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The Secret to a Successful Jewelry Business + the Benefits of a Mastermind Program

By Tracy Matthews / October 15, 2013

I want to ask you a question. In your opinion, what does success mean to you? Every jewelry designer will most likely will have a different answer. Success might mean: Having a balanced work & family life Reaching…

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Overwhelmed? What to do if you are feeling discouraged

By Tracy Matthews / June 25, 2013

One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. ~Lucille Ball Too Many Things on…

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Amplify Your Facebook Marketing with Tim Adam

By Tracy Matthews / June 24, 2013

Make sure you join us to Amplify your Facebook Marketing with Tim Adam Want more FREE advice just for Jewelry Designers? Sign up for Updates……it’s FREE

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Are you paying yourself a Salary Every month? 5 actions to guarantee you get paid first.

By Tracy Matthews / June 4, 2013

Last month, I enjoyed a glass of wine with one of the community members of F&TA while she was visiting NYC. I’ve been following her for about a year now and have really seen her business grow and…

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You ARE worth it!

By Robin Kramer / May 21, 2013

I just love our F&TA community of jewelry designers! There is so much support, sharing and love for one another… it’s truly awesome. A few topics having been popping up and I thought it would be good to…

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Why Joining a Community Will Help You Reach Your Jewelry Business Goals

By Tracy Matthews / January 1, 2013

My alarm went off at 5:15 AM as it does every morning—except Sunday. It’s super cold (35 degrees fahrenheit!) and still really dark, but I get dressed in my workout clothes and head out to meet my friend…

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The Power of Community and Being Fierce, Fabulous and Free: An Interview with Nisha Moodley

By Tracy Matthews / September 19, 2012

It’s official! I have a girl crush! I had the amazing fortune to have a little chat with the inspiring, Nisha Moodley a few weeks ago. Nisha and I have been running around in the same circles for…

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Why You Should Build Your Jewelry Business with Support From a Community

By Tracy Matthews / July 24, 2012

Updated: September 17, 2018 Looking for a jewelry business community that won’t give you the cold shoulder? When I started out in business, it was impossible to get advice from my peers. Asking for encouragement and support? Forget…

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