
#55 Converting Looky Loos Into Buyers at Live Events

By Tracy Matthews / August 23, 2016

Curious, have you ever heard about how Robin & I met?   Guesses?   Well, you might have heard this story before but we met at a trade show in 2006 called the ENK Accessories Circuit Show.  …

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#53 How to Create a Culture of Fun in Your Jewelry Business With Nina Cooper

By Tracy Matthews / August 9, 2016

As a jewelry entrepreneur, what do you do when facing a “must do” task that you REALLY don’t want to do.   Or if you have employees, how do you motivate them to tackle the task that no…

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#49 Building Relationships With Social Influencers To Increase Your Sales with Lauren Zavlunov and Jeanne Verger

By Tracy Matthews / July 12, 2016

It looks like this:   You see a commercial for Product A on television, and you think that it looks interesting, so you make a mental note to try to look for it later.   You log onto…

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#48 Creating A Culture of Celebration + Happy 4th Birthday F&TA

By Tracy Matthews / July 5, 2016

It’s our 4th Birthday today! And we are ready to celebrate!   Before we kick off the celebration, I have a party game for you.   (It’s not pin the tail on the donkey game- I promise).  …

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#47 How To Get Awesome Testimonials From Your Customers

By Tracy Matthews / June 28, 2016

Have you ever head of the 80/20 rule?   Here it is – 80% of your business comes from 20% of your audience.   Whoa.   And this is why: it’s so much easier (and cheaper) to cultivate…

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#44 Developing Blogger Partnerships to Make More Sales With Cassie Boorn

By Tracy Matthews / June 7, 2016

Imagine with me for a minute that you have a chunk of free time to sit down and browse the internet.   You’re not working, or networking, or even training.   You’re just sitting at your computer with…

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#22: How to Differentiate Your Jewelry Business from the Crowd with Amanda Berlin

By Tracy Matthews / January 12, 2016

In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Amanda Berlin, a PR & communications guru who left a decade of corporate experience behind to work with small business owners like you and me.   She…

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#17: How to Creatively Use Hashtags To Engage Buyers on Instagram with Melissa Camilleri

By Tracy Matthews / December 14, 2015

Are you struggling to attract your DREAM clients on social media? Maybe you even have enough followers, but you just aren’t getting the engagement you’d like. I know SO many designers who struggle with this exact same problem,…

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#13: Cultivating a Customer Appreciation Strategy to Build Repeat Business

By Tracy Matthews / December 1, 2015

Don’t you just LOVE getting handwritten thank-you notes and cards? Especially this time of year, it’s such a delight to open an envelope and find a little personal touch inside. In today’s episode, Robin & I got to…

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#10: Key Insights From Our Panel of Experts at the FTA Live Event 2015

By Tracy Matthews / November 19, 2015

In September of 2015, we had our very first live Flourish & Thrive Academy event. It was the first time I was speaking live and, you can imagine, I was anxious and relieved by the time the big…

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