Streamlining Your Business

#198 How to Protect Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Gregory Boudah

By Tracy Matthews / April 23, 2019

Finally! The weather is warm and days are getting longer. A perfect time to look forward to GROWTH in your business. Springtime is all about new possibilities, right? Time to get your spring hustle on! As designers and…

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#197 The Simple Way To Bring Cash Into Your Biz Fast

By Tracy Matthews / April 16, 2019

Does talking about making money in your biz make you squirm a little bit? It’s super hard when you pour yourself into your biz but aren’t making any money. It feels like no matter how amazing your work…

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#192 The Best in Content Marketing Strategy from Traffic & Conversion 2019

By Tracy Matthews / March 12, 2019

Traffic + Conversion = my 2 favorite words right now. Seriously! Can you name a better feeling than having your voice reach millions of fans? I know that there are people in the jewelry biz struggling to get…

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#187 Visionary Series: Tips to Creatively Solve Problems in Your Business

By Tracy Matthews / February 4, 2019

Have you heard the saying: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems? It’s the idea that your problems don’t go away when you have more money (or your business grows). In business terms: Mo’ Money, Different Problems. When my first company…

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#186 How to Become an A-Player in Business (and Get What You Want)

By Tracy Matthews / January 29, 2019

Who are some of your favorite icons in the world? Maybe it’s Beyonce, or Marie Forleo, or Oprah, or a world leader. They’re people that we look up to and admire, and may even want to be like…

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#183 How to Simplify Your Business to Make More Money This Year

By Tracy Matthews / January 8, 2019

What’s your word of the year? My word of the year for 2019 is ELEVATE! Last year, my word of the year was SIMPLIFY here’s why… Have you ever felt that making money is hard because there are…

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#182 How to Face Fear to Grow Your Business FAST This Year with Rhonda Britten

By Tracy Matthews / January 1, 2019

Happy New Year #ThriveTribe… Last week, I wrote about 5 words to live by (and tools to set the precedent for your New Year) because, well, it’s the New Year! Time for some massive change! Which leads me…

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#173 How to Problem Solve When Trying to Scale Your Jewelry Business

By Tracy Matthews / October 30, 2018

When you want to scale your jewelry business – you start seeing new problems to solve.   It’s true, more money…more problems!   Not exactly more, but different problems for sure.   The biggest your business, the different…

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#170 13 Lessons Learned from Flourish & Thrive Live 2018

By Tracy Matthews / October 9, 2018

Reviews of Flourish & Thrive Live are in – it was a total hit!   Maybe you’re coming down off the NYC high, getting out of the jetlagged fog, or bummed because you missed it this year.  …

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#166 How a “Total Control Freak” Left Her Biz for 2 Months Without Going Under

By Tracy Matthews / September 11, 2018

There’s a point in your business where releasing control is the only way to grow.   You might feel scared or nervous to get help with administrative work, but if you want to grow – you can’t do…

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