Designer Spotlight: Andrea McGinnis

A brief story of what you do and why you do it.
I make one a kind handcrafted jewelry using semi precious gemstones and swarovski crystals. I have been in my husbands shadow for years and I really wanted to give myself an identity. I wanted something to look forward to every night, and something that made me happy.
How did you get into jewelry design?
I started by making keychains, lanyards, necklaces and bracelets for veterans, as a way to give back to them. My husband and I were both in the service and I wanted to go that route. It became a little tedious making the same things so I ventured into other techniques and I was hooked. Although I still do make the beaded keychains, my passion is in my jewelry business.

What makes your collection unique?
Every piece is one of a kind, I even have pieces that I put together from leftover gemstones strands I never thought I'd be able to use. Most of my pieces have a touch of swarovski to make it casual or dressy.
What are your inspirations?
Everyday people are my inspirations, I look at pieces that they are wearing and it inspires me to create something just as beautiful but at an affordable price. I'm a mother of three so I try to make pieces that busy moms can wear that go with everyday styles.
How are you making a difference in your life?
I'm finding a motivation and something to look forward to. I'm giving myself identity and being able to stay at home and raise my kids at the same time.

What's something unusual about you that makes you “you”?
I have a terrible memory, I have to write everything down or I will forget it right away! I have to write lists at jewelry parties, keep lists for my inventory etc. I worry about getting older…yikes!
What's the biggest struggle in running your jewelry business like a business? OR What is your biggest success in running your business like a business?
The hardest part of running a business is selling to friends and family. I hate asking them for money, it just feels weird. My biggest success has been jewelry parties, they're fun, a great way to network, practically free marketing and I always take home $500 or more in sales.
About Andrea
I am 33 years old and have three young boys and work from home and love it. I've been making jewelry for a few years now and am always looking for inspiration.