Designer Spotlight: Meagan Esther Reelitz

A brief story of what you do and why you do it.
For me, making and designing jewelry is a spiritual experience. My relationship with the Divine is the most important thing in my life. I have been called to live a life of passion: my love of designing beautiful jewelry, my dedication to being an ethically responsible business, my reverence for beauty, and my commitment to making people feel more beautiful and “put together”.
How did you get into jewelry design?
In 2007, after only having been in the Bay Area for a few months, I stumbled into a beautiful bead store called Beyond Beads. I bought some beads, took them home and was obsessed! I went back the next week and started taking classes. I ended up taking every class they had. Since I had exhausted their offerings, I started looking elsewhere for classes, especially in trade publications. I found out I was living in a city with one of the best tradeschools for goldsmithing, and in February of 2008, I started my education at Revere.

What makes your collection unique?
All of my designs are meticulously crafted in the US of recycled sterling silver and gold. I use only Canadian diamonds. All of my jewelry is divinely inspired. I use ancient symbols and forms to create timeless jewelry with a distinctively modern aesthetic.
What are your inspirations?
Art of all kinds – paintings, classical music & jazz, sculpture, architecture, furniture design. The history of jewelry itself. The way that it has developed and evolved over time but has always been with us. People passionately following their callings inspires the heck out of me. A beautifully written word, poem or thought inspires me. I love language. Beauty, honesty, vulnerability, these inspire me to continue in this humbling endeavor of having my own business.
How are you making a difference in your life?
By honoring my vision. By honoring the visions of others. By letting go. By accepting what is. By taking care of myself.

What's something unusual about you that makes you “you”?
I am super-excitable and see miracles in the smallest of things.
What's the biggest struggle in running your jewelry business like a business? OR What is your biggest success in running your business like a business?
What I am currently beginning to understand is the difference between working on my business and working in my business. I am always striving toward the place where my work and the time that I spend working on/in my business is the most effective. The best thing I have done this year is step out of the “maker” position with my jewelry. I have also benefited enormously from working with Tracy & Robin in the Flourish & Thrive Academy. I am able to see clearly where I want to go – honestly looking at what I enjoy and what parts of my business feel “heavy” and being willing to let those go and look for alternatives. With their insider knowledge and encouragement, I am set on a course for lifetime fulfillment from this career, and I couldn't be happier!!
About Meagan
I was born in Des Moines, Iowa, the daughter of a civil servant and an educator. Since a young girl, I knew I wanted to do something “artistic” for my career and knew it had to include creating more beauty in the world. I enrolled in my first class at the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts in 2008 and with my first fabrication class, I knew I had found my calling as a jewelry designer.