Episode 441: 7 Key Takeaways From My Momentum + Mastermind Retreat

Today’s episode is about key takeaways from my Momentum + Mastermind Retreat where we worked with some Momentum students and special guests to help them play a bigger game in their businesses.
This was so exciting because it was the first time our community had an in-person event since Covid shut things down. I love these retreats more than anything, and they are absolutely the best part of our coaching programs!
This particular retreat was a blast because Momentum is our coaching program that’s designed for ambitious six and seven-figure jewelry business owners who are up to big things and ready to grow, scale, optimize their business, live their best life, and do all things.
I’m stoked to share awesome of the retreat’s takeaways with you today because they will help you create financial freedom, flexibility, wealth, and space in your life to do those things you want to do – just like they did for me.
If you’re ready to fully embrace the highly creative person you are and really get to the next level in your business, make time for today’s episode because I promise you we are unearthing golden game-changers for you.
Join me as I uncover where the magic really lies! Let’s align your business with your personal goals so that you’re living your dream life!
Stop Resisting and Start Allowing
Have you heard that statement – what you resist persists? When resistance comes up in your business or you’re triggered by something, instead of trying to avoid feeling the feeling or doing the thing, try leaning in and understanding what that energy is telling you.
Because when you resist instead of lean in, you force out any opportunity for abundance. In fact, resistance itself is a true sign you’re out of alignment. So what if instead of resisting, you breathe through it, feel the feelings, and get on the other side? When you open up and allow the thing to happen that you’re trying to create and get into that energy of what that looks like, everything will shift for you.
Lean In
The magic you seek is in the work you’re avoiding. Sometimes when something is hard or we know we have to deal with something and we avoid it, we just prolong the inevitable.
What if you were to just look at the bank account, handle the employee who’s not working out and the customer who’s a pain, or deal with the thing that you’re afraid of? What are you putting off that’s preventing you from moving forward? Because when you lean in and deal with that problem or issue, something magical comes on the other side. You learn something about yourself and end up raising the vibration of who you are.
Act as If
One of the most powerful tools in abundance and manifestation in your life is to get into the state of feeling what it would be like to already be there.
One of our speakers, Kate Byers, is a burnout coach who talked about why you should stop waiting for your goal to happen to start living your life. What if you were to act as if you’ve already achieved the thing and live your life as if you’re already there? How would that shift your perspective and make things easier for you? This is something that’s actually created a huge shift in me over this weekend. Not only do I feel very relaxed and grounded, but I also feel like anything is possible and that opportunities just keep flowing in.
Here’s a Quick Overview of Episode 441:
Ready to create financial freedom, flexibility, wealth, and space in your life to do those things you want to do?
In the latest episode of Thrive by Design Podcast, I talk about the takeaways from my Momentum + Mastermind Retreat. These takeaways created a huge shift in me over this weekend. I feel very relaxed and grounded – like anything is possible and opportunities just keep flowing in!
These are life-changing for you as well if you’re up to big things and ready to grow, scale, optimize your business, live your best life, and do all things.
If you’re ready to fully embrace the highly creative person you are and really get to the next level in your business, make time for today’s episode because I promise you we are unearthing golden game-changers for you.
Join me as I uncover where the magic really lies! Let’s align your business with your personal goals so that you’re living your dream life!
xo, Tracy
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