Episode 442: How to Be a Better Friend to Your Business with Zach Rehder

Today’s episode is all about what to do when you’re out of alignment with your business and trying to get it to do something it’s not meant to do.
Understanding how to navigate when you’re at odds with it and caught in the middle of a toxic relationship with it will make or break your business and goals.
Prepare for an incredible episode today! I chat with my dear friend, Zach Rehder, who is a breathwork facilitator, intuitive healer, and an amazing soul who works with deep trauma. He’s helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life when I was in a deep state of burnout.
If you’re considering burning your business down, listen to this episode as soon as possible – it will change everything. Chances are that you just need to change a few things or show up differently!
Zach walks you through the very same process that he put me through! Get ready to become BFFs with your business so that you can do the things that you’re supposed to do with it.
Join us if you’re overwhelmed and burnt out with your business, or even if you’re unsure where to take it next. I know from firsthand experience that his wisdom will change your life (like it did mine)!
Burning Can be a Bandaid Solution
So many business owners recreate situations that bring up the feeling or trauma that’s still stuck in their system. If your business is bothering you and you want to shut it down and start a new business, that new business is going to bother you as well. It's going also to show you the place where there’s trauma or where you’re still stuck unless you heal it.
How you’re showing up in business isn’t going to change until you change. When it comes to the thing that’s bothering, stressing you out, or overwhelming you, what if that’s here to serve you? We tend to try to solve the problem so we don’t have to feel the thing. What would happen if we tried feeling the thing first, and then seeing if the problem is still even there?
Does Your Biz Like You?
Most business owners treat their businesses as a tool to make money or get someplace. The thing is, if any of us treated our friends that way, we wouldn’t have a good friendship or connection with that person. The same goes for the connection you have with your business!
That’s why this is an invitation to have more awareness of your relationship with your business. Look at the way you’re speaking about it and how you’re relating to it. Are you working together with your business or are you working in opposition? When you’re on the same page as your business, everything flows and that’s when things happen. Opportunities appear that you didn’t even know were possible and you stop feeling like you’re constantly pushing it uphill!
Embrace the Discomfort
Notice the places where you get challenged or triggered. If you think you’re business isn’t making enough money, ask yourself what you feel about that and what’s going on inside. You may notice things like you’re running from a place of lack and scarcity, and you’re trying to create a scenario where you don’t have to feel that way. The magic is actually to feel the lack and the scarcity.
When you have an uncomfortable feeling, it usually means it’s a feeling that you haven’t spent much time with yet and that you haven’t gotten to know. Your mind’s job is to keep you safe. Safely means things are comfortable, which often keeps everything the way it is. That’s why your mind usually misunderstands that uncomfortable means unsafe. That’s hardly ever the truth. Imagine what would happen if you could train your mind to be comfortable with the discomfort!
Here’s a Quick Overview of Episode 442:
What do you do when you’re out of alignment with your biz and trying to get it to do something it’s not meant to do?
In the latest episode of the Thrive by Design Podcast, I chat with my dear friend, Zach Rehder, who is a breathwork facilitator, intuitive healer, and an amazing soul who works with deep trauma. He’s helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life when I was in a deep state of burnout.
Understanding how to navigate when you’re at odds with your business and caught in the middle of a toxic relationship with it will make or break your business and goals!
Today’s episode is incredible because Zach walks you through the very same process that he put me through! Get ready to become BFFs with your business so that you can do the things that you’re supposed to do with it.
If you’re considering burning your business down, listen to this episode as soon as possible – it will change everything. Chances are that you just need to change a few things or show up differently!
Join us if you’re overwhelmed and burnt out with your business, or even if you’re unsure where to take it next. I know from firsthand experience that his wisdom will change your life!
xo, Tracy

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