Episode 446: Publicity and Your Jewelry Brand with Renee Warren

Today’s episode is about thinking outside of the box and discovering different ways to get in front of your target audience with public relations!
I chat with my very special guest Renee Warren who talks about about publicity in your business and some alternative ways that you might not be thinking about to grow your business.
Here’s the thing – the way that we get exposure for our jewelry brands has changed and the old-school way of pitching print magazines is not really a thing anymore.
PR these days is a lot more about your experiences and how you're getting in front of the right audience with the people that you’re either talking to or connecting with who are promoting your brand.
That’s why Renee dives into how you can do this and some of her favorite ways for jewelry business owners to get into the press!
Renee is awesome not only because of her life-changing expertise but also because she is a busy mom who is doing a lot of things in the world and making an impact, so the wisdom she shares is incredibly important for any busy woman who wants to get her business in front of more people.
She’s here to help you build confidence and authority and gain the industry recognition and media exposure that you deserve!
You’re going to love this episode!
Why Your Network Is the Most Important Thing for PR
Even though you can sit behind a screen and pitch all the people that you want, the real magic happens when you show up and go to physical events.
Renee dives into how building a network in her own business enabled her to get her foot in the door to countless opportunities. She talks about how when you network, you meet connections who can help you and introduce you to others who can get you somewhere. (She even spills on how her husband got on 9 podcasts in 2 and a half days to promote his own business).
The Most Powerful Way to Showcase Your Business
Renee uncovers why being guests on podcasts is what’s working right now and is becoming one-of-a-kind door-openers for business owners to get in front of others.
She dives into countless reasons why these are by far the best opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else, why you should put pursuing these amazingly lucrative ins at the top of your to-do lists, and why this will change the game for everything.
How to Craft an Amazing Pitch
Renee spills the number one most important tip in crafting an incredible pitch – its length.
She lays out exactly how long it should be, the specifics of her strategy in writing one, and what you should and shouldn't include in yours (including what could cause someone to never see it). On top of that, she shares the number one way to hook people you’re pitching to and gives an example of her own hook that she used that worked like crazy.
Here’s a Quick Overview of Episode 446:
Are you ready to think outside of the box and discover different ways to get in front of your target audience with public relations?
I chat with my very special guest Renee Warren who talks about about publicity in your business and some alternative ways that you might not be thinking about to grow your business.
Here’s the thing – the way that we get exposure for our jewelry brands has changed and the old-school way of pitching print magazines is not really a thing anymore.
PR these days is a lot more about your experiences and how you're getting in front of the right audience with the people that you’re either talking to or connecting with who are promoting your brand.
That’s why Renee dives into how you can do this and some of her favorite ways for jewelry business owners to get into the press!
Renee is awesome not only because of her life-changing expertise but also because she is a busy mom who is doing a lot of things in the world and making an impact, so the wisdom she shares is incredibly important for any busy woman who wants to get her business in front of more people.
She’s here to help you build confidence and authority and gain the industry recognition and media exposure that you deserve!
You’re going to love this episode!
xo, Tracy
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