Episode 471: How Your Health Impacts Your Success with Tina Anderson

When you’re healthy as an entrepreneur and business owner, it shows.
Your energy is on point. You’re focused and in flow. You’re happier, more productive, and more creative. But when our health takes a hit, our business suffers too. When you’re feeling sick or sore, your motivation and clarity take a dive too.
That’s why keeping yourself healthy and vibrant is a huge win when you are designing your jewelry and building your business.
Today, my dear friend Tina Anderson is on the Thrive by Design podcast, sharing her incredible expertise on the gut-brain connection.
Tina is the CEO of Just Thrive, an incredible supplement company that has changed my life.
(I’ll spare you the TMI version, but let’s just say my digestive system is MUCH happier since I started taking their probiotic a few years ago.)
Gut health is not the topic that usually springs to mind when people think about growing their business or optimizing their daily routine… but it has a huge influence behind the scenes on how you feel and perform every day.
That’s why, in this episode, we talk about…
- Why gut health is about so much more than getting rid of the uncomfortable symptoms most people think of
- Why taking care of your gut health goes way beyond having a happy digestive system and can transform your mood and mental health
- How business owners and entrepreneurs can boost their immunity and daily performance by optimizing your gut health
- How to figure out if your gut is unhealthy and what to do about it
- The baby steps entrepreneurs can take to really support our health
If you’re struggling with brain fog, digestive troubles, fatigue, skin issues, this episode could be a game-changer for you.
Don’t miss this fascinating deep-dive conversation.
xo, Tracy
PS: Tina has generously offered all Thrive by Design listeners 20% off a 90-day bottle of Just Thrive Probiotic and Just Calm. Check out www.flourishthriveacademy.com/justthrive and use the code TBD (as in, Thrive by Design) at checkout.
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