Episode 472: 5 Ways to Get Consistent and Stand Out With Social Media Marketing – This Week

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know I love you. Right?
I really do love you guys, but today I’ve gotta bring some tough love to the conversation.
We’ve got to talk about the state of social media content for jewelry businesses…
Because a lot of jewelry designers are just totally missing the mark here.
It’s boring, pushy, cringe, or some combination of all three.
And I hate having to say that, because it’s not their fault.
Jewelry designers are not trained to be professional marketers! But it’s our job to figure out how to create social media content for our jewelry businesses — just as much as it is to create the jewelry itself.
Here at F&TA we just graduated a new cohort of designers from our Laying the Foundation program, and along with head coach Chelsea, I found that a few people picked up social media marketing really quickly… but most students just don’t feel like it’s their thing, even though they’re super talented designers.
If that’s you, I see you: it can feel daunting to come up with new content all the time and to market yourself when you just want to make beautiful things.
But great content creates your desired brand effect — it attracts ideal, high-quality clients to your business, it makes you stand out in a crowded marketplace, and it helps you sell.
It’s probably the most powerful tool at your disposal if you’re serious about growing your business online.
That’s why I’m hosting a new master class, called How to Stand Out on Social: How to Plan A Month’s Content in An Hour. It’s a super hands-on system to help you build a content plan for your jewelry business, and you can find out more about that in the Sponsor Spotlight at the end of this post.
First though, this week’s episode: I’m sharing 5 do-it-now practical tips for creating content that is going to make your audience fall in love with you and your jewelry.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- How to create a content plan that WORKS and that you can actually stick to
- The topics you need to nail down to start getting really consistent with your content
- How to make content that works for each specific platform
- The single most important factor in creating content that grabs people’s attention (and makes them stick around for the long haul)
- The unbeatable way to attract the right customers to your brand
I also share some of the designers who are absolutely nailing it with their content strategy, and break down why their content works so well (hint: it’s all about the emotions baby!).
This topic is so important to the success of every jewelry business, so this episode is extremely practical. I’m giving you real examples of the content to create, when to create it, and how to cut through all the noise on social, so that you can start to take control of your brand online.
You deserve to have a jewelry business that’s thriving online. If you’re still figuring out how to make that happen, make sure you check out today’s episode: 5 Ways to Get Consistent and Stand Out With Social Media Marketing – This Week.
xo, Tracy
Sponsor Highlight

I’m hosting a new master class, called How to Stand Out on Social: How to Plan A Month’s Content in An Hour.
It’s an even deeper look at what we cover in today’s episode — I’m going to walk you through a simple step by step process (with visuals!) on how to make money-making social media content that stands out, attracts high-paying customers in a fraction of the time most people spend on it.
If you know that the content and social media strategy for your jewelry business needs some TLC, this one’s for you. Click here to register for the master class: flourishthriveacademy.com/contentworkshop
Erin Kandoll’s ‘Dreams Coming True’ video
Buy My Book: The Desired Brand Effect