Episode 479: Here’s what I would do to make daily sales if I had to start a jewelry business from scratch…

EP479 Blog

Struggling to make daily jewelry sales a reality in your jewelry business? Here’s how to change that.

Growing a thriving jewelry brand that has consistent, daily sales as the norm is not rocket science or a mystery. It does take a focus on the right actions daily, though – a focus on revenue-generating sales activities. 

If I had to start from scratch (which I have had to do several times in my career), I’d do many things differently.. Recently, I was asked – “What would I do if I had to start over and make daily sales within a 30-day period because I didn’t have time to waste?”

And since I’m thinking of starting a 3rd jewelry company (potentially later this year), I break down exactly what I’d do on today’s podcast.

I literally wrote the book about it: The Desired Brand Effect – How to Stand Out in a Saturated Market with a Timeless Jewelry Brand

Here’s a preview of the advice I share in today’s episode: 

  • The GOLD in your existing network and how to elegantly turn those connections into customers. 
  • The #1 asset you have as a business owner and how to leverage the “list” to make daily jewelry sales. 
  • How successful jewelry business owners approach sales (and how you can adopt the same positive habits daily)
  • The missing link in your “sales funnel”—and if you don’t know what that is, then you really need to listen in 
  • My secret weapon aka the ONE thing I wish I wouldn’t have stalled on – finding a coach or mentor
  • The easiest way to get more done in less time – and I wish I would have done this sooner. 

Listen to the show today.

Thank you for listening! We’re celebrating our 12-year anniversary here at Flourish and Thrive Academy. As a thank-you gift, I created – with love – a FREE GUIDE 101 Ways to Make Daily Jewelry Sales in Your Business.

Have you heard about our new community – The Jewelry Marketing Collective? It’s a daily accountability and sales community specifically for jewelry artists, makers, and business owners. 

It opens in August and is for Jewelry Business Owners who want to improve their marketing.


Instagram Live with Chelsea

Download: 101 Ways to Make Daily Jewelry Sales

Join the Waitlist: The Jewelry Marketing Collective

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Laying the Foundation

Buy My Book: The Desired Brand Effect

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