Episode 487: How to Add Permanent Jewelry To Your Business For Holiday With Ashley Donnell

EP487 Blog

“Cheap ain’t loyal”

That’s what my friend Ashley Donnel said when I asked her how she justifies charging more for permanent jewelry than her competitors.

In today’s episode, Ashely – owner and founder of The Babe Standard, an accessories business based in Kansas City – shares how offering permanent jewelry can completely change a Jewelry Business Owner’s business model – and lead to higher margins and profits with a relatively low starting investment.

I start out by asking Ashley how she got into selling permanent jewelry. She tells her story of starting out in retail offering accessories and expanding her offerings until she started selling permanent jewelry – which dramatically changed her business.

Then we get into the nitty gritty of selling permanent jewelry.

I ask her what obstacles permanent jewelry sellers will face

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • [0:00] Latest News & Announcements
  • [6:10] Ashley’s Journey to Selling Permanent Jewelry
  • [11:51] What are the obstacles?
  • [16:08] Repeat customers & adding value
  • [19:15] Getting started
  • [20:03] Marketing permanent jewelry
  • [20:50] Differentiating yourself
  • [22:45] Justifying your pricing
  • [24:10] Offering warranties
  • [26:30] Getting Positive Online Reviews

Listen here!

xo, Tracy

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Are you ready to put yourself in a room with powerful people?

We have a few seats left for our mastermind weekend on September 17th and 18th in Scottsdale, Arizona!

If you’re interested in connecting in person with 49 other jewelry business owners and creatives for TWO WHOLE days – as well as learning from exciting speakers including Tracy Matthews, Felicia Romero, Steph Dorworth, Blair Kaplan-Venables, and Chelsea Farmer…

Save yourself one of those seats.


The Babe Standard

Sunstone Permanent Jewelry Welders

Desired Brand Mastermind Retreat

Buy My Book: The Desired Brand Effect

Laying the Foundation

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