Episode 491: A Brave Move to Follow Her Artistic Dreams With Nicole Fedele

EP491 Blog

Would you have the courage to change cities to follow your dream?

Today’s guest Nicole Fedele – a recent Laying the Foundation graduate – did just that.

Nicole lived in one of the biggest cities in the world – NYC – that has everything an artist could possibly want – and yet she left to find somewhere that would fit her even better.

And in this episode – she shares why she made such a brave choice.

I start off the episode asking Nicole how she found Laying the Foundation.  She shares how she worked for 20 years in the corporate world and tried to leave NYC a few times but always got sucked back in.  During the pandemic, she realized she did not want the next 20 years to be like the previous 20, so she started making changes in her life.

Before the episode, I stalked Nicole’s Instagram and fell in love with her very unique style. I ask Nicole what creative process she uses that results in such a unique blend of painting and jewelry.  Nicole shares how she developed her style – and what she experiences when she finds herself in the “creative zone”.

Nicole uniquely uses metal in her paintings, and I ask her what inspired her to start.  Nicole tells how painting and creating Jewelry use very different parts of her mind – and one day she wondered what it would be like to combine the two.  So she started experimenting – and her paintings with metal were born.

NYC has a very strong artist community – so I ask Nicole why in the world she wanted to leave it.  Nicole explains the reasons she started looking to leave NYC, what she looked for in a new city, and what about her current city attracted her the most.

Nicole is one of our Laying the Foundation VIP students.  I ask Nicole why she decided to invest at such a high level, especially as someone so new to her business.  Nicole explains how she first found Flourish and Thrive, and what was different about us compared to other courses she had taken that gave her the confidence we had what she was looking for.  She then shares the additional factors that confirmed to her she should upgrade to VIP.

Right after signing up, Nicole started questioning whether VIP was worth it.  She shares how she saw her Universal Sign and how it reassured her she was making the right choice.  And spoiler – she has no regrets.

The VIP upgrade provided 1-1 coaching for the 4 months of Laying the Foundation (LTF).  I ask Nicole how the 1-1 coaching helped her.  Nicole shares what it was like working 1-1 with her coach Dawn and the differences Dawn made in her progress.

Of course – the reason our students take our courses is for the results they get afterward.  I ask Nicole what specific results she got after taking LTF, and Nicole shares how much her mindset has changed and how she approaches finding and charging her dream clients.

Nicole made a business connection through Flourish and Thrive – and I ask her about it.  Nicole shares how she connected with Laura Stamper (a previous podcast guest), became friends, and eventually moved to the same city and became part of the same communities.

I wrap up the episode by asking Nicole what she would say to someone who is just starting out or on their business journey about Laying the Foundation.  Nicole shares her advice and the reasons why she would specifically recommend LTF for such a person.

In this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • [00:00] Latest News & Announcements
  • [01:50] Breaking Free: From the Corporate World to Painting
  • [05:37] Nicole’s Creative Process
  • [07:27] Painting with Metal
  • [09:21] The Big Move: Changing cities to find a community
  • [11:29] All or nothing: Upgrading to VIP
  • [14:02] Almost backing out – seeing a Sign to continue
  • [18:51] 1-1 mentorship: receiving clarity & focus
  • [20:54] Finding & Charging Dream Clients
  • [22:50] Developing the businesswoman mindset
  • [23:59] Making a connection and finding a community
  • [26:47] Nicole’s advice to new business owners about Laying the Foundation

Listen here!

xo, Tracy

Sponsor Spotlight!

Do you feel like your digital content is falling flat?  Like – you’re doing all the things you think you should be doing – but it’s not translating into online sales?  Well, here’s why:

Your marketing and communications strategy is probably boring.

Now, I know you’re a creative person – that’s why you're in the Jewelry business! But marketing takes different tactics and strategies than making Jewelry.

I’m going to show you my four-step system that has helped thousands of jewelry business owners tap into their natural creativity and translate it into magnetic marketing that instantly attracts your dream customers who are dying to support your small business – and buy every new product release.

And it’s free for a limited time – all you have to do is save your seat!

Are you ready to turn your side hustle into a real business?

If you’re ready to:

  • Have predictable sales & income from your jewelry business
  • Grow your profit margins with strategies that scale
  • Build sales confidence and sell out of collections when you launch them
  • Follow a marketing strategy that actually works
  • Prove to your husband and family that your business is not a silly hobby

Then join our final cohort of Laying the Foundation (LTF).  Don’t miss this last chance to experience the transformational program that has changed the lives and businesses of hundreds of Jewelry designers and creatives.  And if you want to jump all-in like Nicole, you can get the VIP upgrade for 1-1 coaching.

Learn more about Laying the Foundation


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