#167 How One Designer Grew Her Sales by 400% in 4 Months with Kena Treadway

Fear holds so many designers back from growing their jewelry sales to the level they really want.
Getting in a mindset of success requires you to take action when you’re afraid.
When you take action in the face of fear, usually great things happen!
Independent jewelry designers can build very profitable, successful, sustainable businesses when they’re surrounded by the right support.
One great example of this is our guest for today, Kena Treadway, owner and designer of Few Made Jewelry.
She decided to pursue her dream of becoming an independent jewelry designer and found our Strategic Online Success Accelerator program. Since joining, she’s done a complete rebranding. The past 4 months she’s been focusing on sales and totally crushing it!
Listen to the interview for the full scoop on how she did it – and how YOU can too, m’dear!
Click here to download the show notes

Countdown to Success
Setting clear, physical, tangible goals are so important. Having your sales goal written on your calendar, every day, and keeping it in mind with your actions is powerful.
As you make sales, you can adjust your number that you need to hit. This helps you see exactly how close you are to hitting it and how much you need to do to hit the goal.
Work Up to Specific Strategies
Ask yourself who do I have, where are my resources? Start with a few people who can help you and support you, then keep connecting with more people as you grow.
Once you find your people, you can use some specific strategies to get in front of them and follow up with them.
Listen to Your Customers
Once things start selling, pay attention to your best selling items! You can use this information to attract more customers by featuring those items on the homepage of your website.
Kena used her Facebook live sales to test which items were popular, then added those to her website first. Building out your entire inventory on your website can be a long process. Because she listened to her customers, she knows the items online are going to attract sales.
xo, Tracy
Sponsor Spotlight!
This episode is sponsored by our very own Flourish & Thrive LIVE event virtual pass! Don’t miss out on the action just because you can’t make it to NYC!
You’ll get an inside tutorial on how designers are getting to the next level using their website.
One thing we teach here is how to be profitable, we’re gonna show you the simple way to make sure you’re paying yourself and always making profits in your business – even without making millions in sales.
Plus – Tracy is hosting a biz booster session for you to quickly see results even if things have been slow for months!
Flourish & Thrive Event Virtual Pass