How this Designer’s Online Sales Skyrocketed 400% in just under 2-Years!

Today I’d like to introduce you to the amazing Erin Heydenreich of Betina Roza. As one of our Momentum students, Erin has grown her online presence and gained control of her business.
Before Erin joined Momentum, she felt overwhelmed.
When Erin joined Momentum, she had a seasonal pop-up shop in San Juan Island, selling to tourists. “It was a very intense 10-weeks of sales, and then I’d drop off the face of the planet. It was exhausting.”
To make ends meet the rest of the year, Erin signed up for every in-person selling opportunity, including Christmas shows and farmers markets. Finally, she hit a wall physically and realized she could no longer continue to run her business this way, “I literally felt like I was drowning.”
As a long-time Flourish and Thrive Academy student, Erin learned about our Momentum program at a crucial time. She had just launched her website but wasn’t doing anything to get people to shop online. Her website sales were a dismal 5% of her total business revenue.
“I really felt like a deer in the headlights. I knew I needed to get people to pay attention to my website but didn’t know how.”
Erin was looking to move her business to more online sales but admitted she didn't have a strategy for doing that. She had a lot of ideas but didn't have a plan.
That’s when she joined our Momentum Program.
After hitting a plateau and feeling like her sales were limited to just in-person shows, Erin joined Momentum. “I felt like my sales were limited, and I didn't know what to do next.” Without a clear understanding of the next steps, or the tools to grow her online business, Erin joined Momentum for the guidance, coaching, and support she couldn’t find elsewhere.
In Momentum, we worked with Erin on:
- Leveraging her in-person shows to grow her email list
- Rebranding her website on Shopify
- Creating a cohesive customer experience with a logo, brand colors, and custom packaging
- Writing email welcome, launch, and nurture sequences
- Building her email list and connecting with her audience consistently
- Blogging two times per month
- Creating a quarterly content plan
- Hosting regular live Facebook sales to support her online presence
- Designing her first cohesive collection
“I now consider my website part of my business instead of just something sitting on the side.”
Erin’s website sales have grown from 5% of her business in the beginning to now over 20%.
Erin’s overall sales have continued to grow while affording her more time to enjoy her life! Before joining Momentum, she felt like she was always one step behind and just running to catch up, with no real plan of how to do that.
Now, “I'm in front of my business, and I'm leading it and steering it and deciding where it goes rather than the other way around.”
For the first time in years, Erin was able to take time off from her business during her busiest season because she hired help. “I felt like such a boss leaving the person I hired to run my booth.”
2-Years after joining Momentum, Erin’s overall sales have doubled, and her online sales have quadrupled!
In Momentum, Erin learned that she was leaving money on the table because she wasn’t communicating with her repeat customers during the offseason. She now has a framework and the tools to grow her business and feels confident knowing she’s diversified her sales channels.
Erin found value in Momentum through:
- One-to-one coaching from industry experts
- The 90-day planning sessions
- Twice yearly retreats with other designers
- Ongoing support and guidance and a roadmap to succeed
Erin’s website sales are up 400% from when she first joined Momentum.
For Erin, joining Momentum was a pivotal moment in her business. “I don’t think there’s anything else out there, and I wasn’t making a lot of money at the time so it was an investment.” But she wanted to control her business instead of the other way around, and it paid off in volumes.
“I would 100% recommend momentum. Knowing that there's support just a few clicks away is really amazing!”
What could your business look like 1-year from now if you felt supported?
Let’s do a free Strategy Audit to see if you’d be an excellent fit for Momentum. Go to to apply!