How to grow your biz in the summertime

Oh summertime how I love you!
The days are longer and more people are out and about. And moods even seem to be lighter and happier. There are more parties and much more traveling so you most likely will see more people.
It is such a fantastic time to make connections!
Yep, when you have your own jewelry business you should always be prepared to show and tell people about your jewelry.
Now don’t freak out, I am not implying that you become that pushy salesperson that people want to run from. I’m just implying that it is a great time to let people know what you do and that you grow your jewelry business by referral.
You may even want to have a some special cards made up with your website information and a friends & family code on it that gives a one time 15 or 20% off of an order.
You can even recruit (not in a cheesy way) your friends and family to be your ambassadors of goodness by giving them each a stack of friends and family discount cards. What a great way to get lots of people on board to promote your jewelry business in the summertime (or anytime).
Another of my favorite things to do when I was the director of sales for a jewelry company was to gift the jewelry I was wearing. When someone complimented me on a piece of jewelry (from my company) I was wearing, I would gift it to them.
The joy I got to spread was so fun and so easy.
The company would get a customer for life, the gift recipient would get a piece of jewelry they really wanted and a wonderful story to share, and I got to give some good unexpected love. Keep in mind that I was not giving away diamonds.
Where are you going to meet new potential clients you ask?

Here is my list and you can certainly add to it.
- On vacation
- At a friends party
- A block party – Yes, even in your own backyard
- At the airport – I have found clients and even a boyfriend at the airport
- At a coffee house
- At a bar
- At a dinner party or cocktail hour
- Or anytime that someone ever asks you about the jewelry you are wearing
What you need to be willing to do.
- Wear your pieces of your jewelry every day.
- Greet people – A happy, friendly person is much more approachable and easy to talk to.
- Compliment & start the conversation – If a person has on a pair of shoes you like or is walking a cute dog, tell them, “Your shoes are fabulous!” or “Your dog is so cute!”
- Carry your biz cards and or your special friends & family cards.
- Ask for your new potential client for their information.
- Tell your existing clients that you grow your biz by referral.

We want to hear from you!
Please answer the questions in the comments below::
- What are your biggest challenges with growing your client base?
- What are you doing to grow your client base?
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@flourish_thrive wants me to grow my #jewelry #business this summer “