#240 How to Polarize to Magnetize Through Your Branding with Re Perez

Jewelry designers are a kooky lot. We know how to embrace the weird that makes us unique in a world that would often rather stifle it.
My friend Re Perez is someone who knows a thing or two about embracing his weird.
Re is a branding ace who got his start in traditional employment but left when he became frustrated by all the limitations imposed by the corporate world.
Throughout his life, Re was always aware of his tendency to stand out and be different. Instead of letting that get in the way of success, he picked up on the art of coexisting, rather than conforming.
As he describes it, there’s an art of creating a perception that is true to you but also allows you to connect with other people.
Re’s unique journey has been marked by many impressive milestones. He’s the CEO and founder of Branding for the People, and is about to publish his first book, Your Brand Should Be Gay (Even If You’re Not).
With expertise like that, I knew I just had to have him on the podcast to talk about how jewelry designers and makers can create a magnetizing brand around their work.
And boy did he deliver!
Click here to download the show notesSpark A Connection
People buy products when it solves a problem for them. Either a functional problem, an economic problem, or (usually) an emotional problem.
You just need to worry about that last one…
Your Dream Clients will purchase your jewelry because they feel an emotional attachment to your product.
The purpose of your branding is to spark and sustain that emotional attachment and nudge your Dream Client to the sale.
Get Philosophical
When you think of branding, you might get caught up on your logo, website design, company name, etc.
These are all important tools for creating a brand, but it’s not what your brand is.
Branding, at its essence, is a philosophy.
It has less to do with logos and names and more to do with the way you show up in business. What does your brand stand for that your Dream Clients connect with?
Don’t Be Afraid to Polarize
It’s easy to sell when you make it easy to buy.
New designers often make the mistake of trying to appeal to everyone, which means they’re actually appealing to no one.
A polarizing brand is actually a good thing, m’dear!
When someone lands on your website, it should be easy for them to make that yes or no decision. Either they think, “WOW, this is so me!” or, “Eh, this isn’t really my thing.”
That means you have strong branding!
For more expert branding advice, listen to the full episode above or watch it on Youtube so you can stare at our beautiful faces. 😘
And don’t forget to pre-order Re’s book, Your Brand Should Be Gay (Even If You’re Not).
xo, Tracy
Pre-order Re’s Book, Your Brand Should Be Gay (Even If You’re Not)