Insiders Tips on Using Instagram for Your Jewelry Biz

Interview with Robin & Sue B Do!
Tracy and I have been fascinated by the new social media darling Instagram and wanted to learn more about it so we contacted Sue B. Zimmerman, the Instagram Gal! Sue knows Instagram like no other and I was psyched to sit down (virtually) with her and chat about why Instagram is so fab.

With all of the different social media options out there, why should a jewelry designer be on Instagram?
We hope this interview helped shed some light on Instagram and we want to hear from YOU!
Make sure you are following us on Instagram @flourish_thrive & @tracymatthewsny & @robinkramersf
In the comments below tell us the following::
1. What’s the first thing you are going to do on Instagram after hearing this interview?
2. What was your favorite insight in the video above?
@flourish_thrive chats w @suebzimmerman & gets the scoop on Instagram 4 #jewelry #biz