Why Making Mistakes is Not Always a Bad Thing

Many of you have heard my story over the past several months.
My business has definitely gone through many ups and downs over the years. Most of the time I felt lost, unworthy, and afraid of success. Many times, my mind got the best of me, convincing me I wasn’t talented enough or that I didn’t have what it takes to sell jewelry online.
Well, as the story goes, I made a lot of mistakes. When I look back, there were lots of things I could have done differently. Part of my problem rose from my lack of commitment. I would never discount the hard work that I put in. However, I failed to fully commit to my success.
Luckily, I was one of those who learned from my mistakes and failures. The Result: a strong commitment to my business, increased profits and an amazing life. So….
When did the paradigm shift?
The shift actually happened toward the end of TMD. I decided to ask for some help and I made a commitment to give this business thing another go.
I learned more about running a business from my mentors and consultants in 18 months than I had learned in the previous 8 years combined! I made a choice and a commitment to myself to and my business. Once I did that everything changed.
The commitment was to ask for help, to get really clear on what I wanted, to create specific goals and take immediate action steps to get there. Wow and what a difference did that make!
Here's what I did:
1. I changed my attitude
I started focusing on what I wanted rather than all of the things that were going wrong. I celebrated every little thing that was going great!
2. I understood who my ideal clients were
When I had this epiphany, my entire business changed. I let go of trying to “force” the wrong people to buy and got into the flow with the people who were flocking to me. Everyone is NOT your client.
3. I learned that it was ok to change my mind
When I decided to shut my first biz down, I felt like a failure. Then I realized we all have the opportunity and the power to change our minds. Just because you love what you are doing today doesn't mean you are married to it for the rest of your life. Freedom came out of that understanding.
4. I tracked my business cash flow on a daily basis
Wow, I used to cower from looking at my bank account. I would avoid as much as I could, thinking magically more money would float into that account. Understanding and owning your finances will make you more successful because you are really clear on exactly where you are.
5. I paid myself first
Yep, this was the first piece of advice my consultants gave me. Pay yourself first. I am not suggesting that you be irresponsible and rack up a bunch of bills and refuse to pay them. I am suggesting that you commit to a regular income or salary draw so that you feel secure. When you commit to paying yourself, more money comes flowing in.
Action Step
Make a commitment to yourself and your business. Create a list of specific goals you want to accomplish in life or with your business.
Ask yourself: how can I get help accomplishing these goals today? How can I start committing to my success? Create 3 action steps that you can take either with someone's help or alone to accomplish each goal. Tell us how you will make your commitment in the comments below.
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@tracymatthewsny from @flourish_thrive on commitment to success and how it changed her life! https://bit.ly/SPa2Nk
Stick around here and we'll show you how to commit and build an amazing jewelry biz.