Mystery Solved: the Top 10 Topics to Cover on Your Jewelry Blog

Over the past several months, Robin & I have been teaching one of our signature courses, Ramp Up Your Holiday Sales, over here at Flourish & Thrive Academy.
During the training we focus on different ways to promote your jewelry brand for any business model. We both agree that one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience is getting them to love you via your blog.
I first started blogging back in 2006 or so with my first jewelry business, Tracy Matthews Designs, Inc. Honestly, I had no clue what I was doing on my blog back then and my blog was more like a public journal.
(When I closed my business, I tried to delete the blog but I couldn’t figure out the password and my email address was no longer working to recover it. It remains in cyberspace forever.)
The point being, there was a time when I really had NO clue about what to write about for MY jewelry brand or to even attract the types of clients I wanted to work with. I didn’t even know what a DREAM client was back then.
Over the last 4 years, my custom jewelry business has gone through a massive evolution, several different websites and two rebrands. Over that time, I’ve learned a lot about what to write about on my jewelry blog. These days, I treat it more like a magazine: covering topics that MY DREAM client is interested in.
So many of the designers in our community are baffled about what to write about on their jewelry blog. That’s why today we are focusing on…
The Top 10 topics to Cover on Your Jewelry Blog
1. Client Testimonials and Showcases
Creating social proof is key to building trust in your business. What better way to get social proof than using happy clients as a showcase??
2. Jewelry and Fashion Trends
Regardless if you are a trend designer or a personal jewelry designer like I am, covering jewelry trends on your blog can help your DREAM clients find you. Make sure you tie the trends into the type of work that you design. For example, an emerald green trend in fashion can tie into the emerald green earrings you designed.
3. New Collection Inspiration
Most jewelry designers are inspired to create collections for a variety of reasons. Talk about your inspirations for your recent collections and highlight some of your favorite pieces.
4. Holiday and Seasonal Topics
During any seasonal or holiday time, writing about relevant topics during the season is key to attracting your DREAM clients. For instance, a post about your favorite ways to show your love around Valentine’s day is a great way to promote those adorable heart studs you just designed.
5. Articles about your Jewelry Niche
In my opinion, the more niche and specific your line is, the easier it is to attract your DREAM clients. For instance, if you design bridal or wedding jewelry, you can write a blog post about your favorite Fall Wedding Trends. Make sure one of the trends has something to do with your jewelry.
6. Jewelry Care
Showcasing or using video to teach your DREAM clients how to care for your jewelry (and the pieces in their jewelry box) is great service to offer. You could run a series and feature just one tip a week.
7. Celebrity Showcases
Talking about your favorite celebrities on your blog is a fantastic way to mix up the content. Consider style tips stolen from celebs, how to wear your jewelry like a celeb or of course, features on celebs wearing your work.
8. Styling
How to wear your jewelry via a feature on jewelry styling is a fantastic way to highlight not only your product, but to position yourself as an expert. You are an expert on how to wear your jewelry and the rest of the jewelry in your jewelry box.
9. Specific Materials, Practices, Techniques
People love to learn about how your jewelry is actually made. Document the process start to finish. Highlight special techniques or gemstones that you incorporate into your work.
10. Lifestyle Topics
You guessed it, your jewelry blog does not have to be only about jewelry. Write about the types of topics your DREAM client would be interested in. If you design yoga jewelry, highlight a series on your favorite yoga poses. If you design personal “mom” or “initial” jewelry, write stories about healthy products for babies. If you design healing gemstones jewelry, write about your favorite smoothie recipe. You get the idea.
The key is to make your jewelry blog posts interesting and attractive to your DREAM clients. One of my favorite blogs to follow is Danielle Miele does a fantastic job at covering all topics jewelry related. In fact, find other jewelry blogs that you love and be inspired by how you can write better for your blog.
We want to hear from you!
In the comments below answer the following questions:
1. Are you currently blogging for your jewelry business? If so, what are your favorite topics to write about?
2. From the list above, which blog post idea will you try out next?
Click to Tweet: Does blogging baffle you? Read our Top 10 Topics to Cover on Your Jewelry Blog!