1:1 Collection Review
& Pricing Audit

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Would you like one of our coaches to give you individual feedback on your collection and pricing?

Book a 1:1 Collection Review and Pricing Audit

Trends and styles

will change from season to season.

With that being said, most makers are not trained in the principles of product merchandising. So they design a bunch of products and hope that they will sell without thinking through the lens of the buyer. These principles are relevant regardless of your business model. If you’ve ever asked yourself if your collection is priced properly or wondering if you’re designing in a way that will attract or repel ideal customers, then here’s your invitation.



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Get individualized

feedback from our expert coaches to...
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Identify the gaps, holes, or excess products in your jewelry line that might be affecting your sales

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Learn the basic principles of a collection that is merchandised to sell (without discounts)

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Make sure that you’re pricing for profit at wholesale and retail so that you set yourself up to a steady stream of sales and cash flow

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Here's why

you might consider a Personalized Collection Review:

  • You LOVE having individual eyes and feedback on your business – and want someone to talk to about your collection and pricing
  • Wholesale accounts are turning you down and you aren’t sure if you’re really cut out (or priced) for selling to stores
  • You’re creative and design lots of styles but you aren’t sure if it makes sense to your ideal customers because you never went to merchandising school
  • Your direct to consumer sales aren’t where you need them to be – people walk in and out of your booth or bounce off your website as quickly as they land there
  • Even though you make sales, you often have cash-flow issues (and you don’t understand why) 
  • You experience price-resistance at shows or events which is crushing your confidence

Or you just want someone to come in and give you targeted and specific advice on your design, merchandising and pricing…


I went from one online sale every couple of weeks to multiple $300-600 sales every day.”

- Ana Maria Andricain, Jewel of Havana
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Here's what's included:

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Zoom Session

A recorded 45-minute Zoom session with one of our coaches

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Homework Exercise

Pre-review homework exercise so that the coach has everything they need to give you a detailed review

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Collection Feedback

Feedback on your current assortment (up to two collections in your line)

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An in depth look at your pricing strategy to make sure that you are pricing for profit (or overpricing yourself out of the market) based on your collection type.

We’ll identify if you have the key components to a winning collection and give you feedback on how to tighten up the collection or expand on your current offer.

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Implementation Strategies

Action steps to implement on your own after the coach-sulting call

yours now for $497


I made $35K. The next year, I more than doubled my sales, bringing in $75K.”

- Nicole gariepy, FantaSea Jewelry
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While we provide high-quality educational content designed to empower and educate that has helped over 9000 jewelry designers and makers, the ultimate success of any student in applying these principles is contingent upon their effort, motivation, and application of the material. The average person who purchases any "how-to" information gets little to no results (often as a result of putting in little to no effort). Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your experience and work ethic.

All business endeavors involve risk and require consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not purchase from us at this time. When you are ready to do the work and take the risk, we'd love to help you.

We make no guarantees regarding the level of success you may experience, and we are not responsible for any of your actions. All information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals when attempting any lifestyle change or business or financial endeavor.