Jewelry Photography Tips and Tricks for Designers on a Budget

Excellent photography of your jewelry is vital to your brand’s success.
If your photography is subpar and you aren’t getting the sales you want for your business, online or off, the first thing you should turn to are your photos. Crappy photos can arguably be the ONE thing holding you back from editors, buyers and customers taking you seriously. If your photography sucks, you’ll look like a hobbyist.
So today, I am going to walk you through a few shortcuts that you can use even if you can’t afford that expensive PRO photog at the moment.
Make sure you pay special attention to around minute 1:18 when I totally embarrass myself with something I am totally ashamed to admit… But I’m happy to embarrass myself if it helps you all get better with your photography… Plus, around 7:53, I tell you a sneaky way to get “models” for your lifestyle shots, and some workarounds to get great shots of all types of jewelry).
Alrighty, let’s get started! Here are your Jewelry Photography Tips for Designers on a Budget
Click to Tweet:: Jewelry Photography Tips for Designers on a Budget Taking quality photos is time consuming, yes. However, if you’re trying to stick to a budget and still come out with professional images, a DIY-approach is your best bet!
Around 8:33, I talk about one of my favorite resources for photography shortcuts. Create & Thrive’s Photography Guide. A definite must (and totes affordable).
So I’m curious and would love to know:
Do you shoot your own jewelry images and why? What is your biggest challenge when photographing jewelry? Bonus: Do you have any tips for those doing their own jewelry photography?
Tell us in the comments below…
OK, now go shoot some awesome photos! xo, Tracy (& Robin)