F&T Thrive By Design Podcast Mockup Iphone-01

Scale Your Jewelry Business For More Profits and More Freedom

Learn how successful jewelry owners think and act to achieve long-term, sustainable growth

Are you ready to scale the success you’ve been having? Now is the time to start getting super strategic and put systems in place so that your business can continue to grow without you actively working.

In this podcast roundup, you’ll gain insight from successful jewelry business owners on how to plan in advance, how to prepare NOW for new levels of growth, and how to pivot when things don’t go as expected.

Episode 481: Rising Fine Metal Costs? Here's How to Handle Pricing!

By Tracy Matthews

Surviving Rising Metal Prices for Jewelry Business Owners It’s inescapable – high prices are here to stay.  The recent surges in inflation have left us…

Episode 480: The Fear That You're Avoiding

By Tracy Matthews

“Fear was running the show – not me” That was the realization I had last week as I went on a journey of self-discovery. I…

Episode 479: Here's what I would do to make daily sales if I had to start a jewelry business from scratch…

By Tracy Matthews

Struggling to make daily jewelry sales a reality in your jewelry business? Here’s how to change that. Growing a thriving jewelry brand that has consistent,…

Episode 478: Everything You Need to Know About TikTok Shop with Susan George

By Tracy Matthews

Hi, Tracy here! Today’s episode is all about using TikTok to sell Jewelry.  I interview Susan George from Mediary Marketing, and let me tell you,…

Episode 477B: Is Your Jewelry Brand Cohesive? Find Out Today!

By Tracy Matthews

Discover the Secret to a Cohesive Jewelry Brand Hey there, jewelry enthusiasts! I’m thrilled to invite you on an exciting journey into the world of…

Episode 477: How to Connect On Instagram [and Social] With Your Dream Clients

By Tracy Matthews

Hey there, jewelry mavens! Tracy Matthews here, live from Newport Beach where I'm celebrating my niece's graduation. This week, I've got something super exciting lined…

Episode 476: The Energetics of Daily Sales

By Tracy Matthews

Hello, beautiful creators! Today, I want to dive deep into the energetics behind achieving daily sales in your business. This topic is near and dear…

Episode 475: Overcoming Addiction and a Toxic Relationship to Grow Her Jewelry Business with Sabrina Nussbaumer

By Tracy Matthews

Sabrina Nussbaumer is a woman with a hell of a backstory.  She’s also got great bangs, but more importantly, she has handled a crazy number…

It’s My Birthday! A Dramatic Reading of the First Chapter of My Book

Episode 474: It’s My Birthday! A Dramatic Reading of the First Chapter of My Book

By Tracy Matthews

It’s my birthday! I know I’m incredibly blessed… and that the abundance I have today is the result of some hard lessons I learned a…

She's Supporting Her Husband Through School With Her Jewelry Business with Lindsey Kirk

Episode 473: She's Supporting Her Husband Through School With Her Jewelry Business with Lindsey Kirk

By Tracy Matthews

When Lindsey Kirk’s husband came home and told her how much he was struggling at his swing shift factory job, she knew they were at…

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