Erin Kandoll

Instagram SEO

Episode 436: What Every Jewelry Brand Needs to Know About Instagram SEO

By Tracy Matthews / September 28, 2023

Wait, SEO for Instagram? Who knew this was even a thing? In our most recent jewelry marketing bootcamp I did a training on how SEO can elevate your presence on Instagram – a concept that’s not as widely…

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learnings from Flourish & Thrive Academy's Laying the Foundation program

Episode 435: How She Prepared For and Won the 7500K Halstead Grant for Her Jewelry Business with Stephanie Howell

By Tracy Matthews / September 26, 2023

Stephanie Howell, the founder of S Howell Studios, has a passion for creating jewelry that’s inspired by the beauty of the natural world. Her goal is to encourage her clients to slow down and find wonder in even…

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creating a brand with impact and a legacy for something or someone that matters for your brand. 

Episode 434: Jewelry with Impact: Creating a Legacy Jewelry Brand with Kristine Jenson

By Tracy Matthews / September 21, 2023

Today’s episode is about creating a brand with impact and a legacy for something or someone that matters for your brand.  I chat with Kristine Jenson, a very special jewelry business owner, who shares her powerful story. Her…

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Today’s episode is super value-packed and about a really common theme this year - overcoming burnout.

Episode 433: From Burnout to Bliss: How She Reinvigorated Her Passion After 17 Years with Rickson Sharkey

By Tracy Matthews / September 19, 2023

Today’s episode is super value-packed and about a really common theme this year – overcoming burnout.  I chat with Rickson Sharkey, an incredibly talented jewelry designer with a fascinating and whimsical niche. She shares about how she went…

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how to take action and actually do the scary things that will ignite your business before the holidays!

Episode 432: How to Step Up and Play a Bigger Game This Holiday Season

By Tracy Matthews / September 14, 2023

“What’s keeping you safe is keeping you stuck” – Amy Porterfield In today’s episode, I hone in on how to take action and actually do the scary things that will ignite your business before the holidays!  Start expanding…

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Episode 431: How a Free Bootcamp Transformed a TBI Survivor’s Business with Danielle Burkett

By Tracy Matthews / September 12, 2023

Learn how to use our free challenges and bootcamps to skyrocket your success.  In today’s episode, I chatted with Ellie – an artist who’s shown up to every single challenge and bootcamp that we’ve done this year. She’s…

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Learn how to use our free challenges and bootcamps to skyrocket your success.

Episode 430: 7 Ways to Increase Your Exposure + Visibility for Jewelry Brands

By Tracy Matthews / September 7, 2023

Different Ways to Increase Your Exposure and Visibility So That More People Find Your Jewelry Brand.  In my latest episode, I address a question that I always get asked – “How do I have more random people find…

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Tracy Matthews answers how do you market to your target audience

Episode 429: How Do I Market My High End Jewelry to My Target Audience?

By Tracy Matthews / August 31, 2023

“Tracy, how do I market to people who can afford my high end jewelry offering?” This question comes up so much because it can be so frustrating. On today’s podcast, we’re covering tons of tips on how to…

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Episode 428: Ask Me Anything: Do I Need More Than One Dream Client for My Different Offers?

By Tracy Matthews / August 24, 2023

“Tracy, how do I know if I have to market to more than one dream client?” In my “ Supercharge Your Sales Challenge: Ask Me Anything” session, Emmy, an artist and business owner, asked this question because she…

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How Do I Market to Two Separate Jewelry Audiences?

Episode 427: Ask Me Anything: How Do I Market to Two Separate Jewelry Audiences?

By Tracy Matthews / August 17, 2023

“Tracy, how in the world do you market to more than one ideal client avatar without getting overwhelmed?”  I get this question often. So on today’s podcast, we’re diving into this topic – how to effectively market to…

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