thrive by design podcast

#190 4 Things Standing in the Way of Reaching Your Money Goals in the Next 90 Days w/ Anna Shilina

By Tracy Matthews / February 26, 2019

Meet Anna Shilina — she’ll help you make more money! At the end of the day we’re all responsible for our own businesses, right? And if you’re not showing up for your business then you could be making…

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#189 How to Avoid Burnout with Nina Cooper

By Tracy Matthews / February 19, 2019

Big goals + Big responsibilities = Burnout? It doesn’t have to! Are you tired? Like really tired? If you tell yourself “I’m busy but I’ve got this” then keep reading. I sat down with Nina Cooper, founder of…

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#188 How To Protect Yourself From Health Hazards In Your Jewelry Studio

By Tracy Matthews / February 12, 2019

Is your studio healthy or hazardous? Here’s how to create the jewelry you love while keeping your health in check. Yep, I get it! You LOVE making jewelry. But did you know this creative career could potentially be…

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#187 Visionary Series: Tips to Creatively Solve Problems in Your Business

By Tracy Matthews / February 4, 2019

Have you heard the saying: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems? It’s the idea that your problems don’t go away when you have more money (or your business grows). In business terms: Mo’ Money, Different Problems. When my first company…

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#186 How to Become an A-Player in Business (and Get What You Want)

By Tracy Matthews / January 29, 2019

Who are some of your favorite icons in the world? Maybe it’s Beyonce, or Marie Forleo, or Oprah, or a world leader. They’re people that we look up to and admire, and may even want to be like…

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#183 How to Simplify Your Business to Make More Money This Year

By Tracy Matthews / January 8, 2019

What’s your word of the year? My word of the year for 2019 is ELEVATE! Last year, my word of the year was SIMPLIFY here’s why… Have you ever felt that making money is hard because there are…

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#182 How to Face Fear to Grow Your Business FAST This Year with Rhonda Britten

By Tracy Matthews / January 1, 2019

Happy New Year #ThriveTribe… Last week, I wrote about 5 words to live by (and tools to set the precedent for your New Year) because, well, it’s the New Year! Time for some massive change! Which leads me…

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#181 Make 2019 the Best Year Ever With These 5 Words to Live By

By Tracy Matthews / December 25, 2018

Every year around this time, I reflect back on how I did… This year was no different… Always – ALWAYS – my reflection starts with my WINS! Girl, you crushed it! Then I have to check myself re:…

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#180 How to Align Your Content with Your 2019 Sales Plan

By Tracy Matthews / December 18, 2018

Content is King (yes, even for a jewelry brand). And when your content is marketed the right way, you can easily connect with those perfect customers…you know the ones who keep coming back for more? The ones who…

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#179 How to Create Branded Collaborations and PR Experiences with Janine Just

By Tracy Matthews / December 11, 2018

A recent NY Times Article announced that Conde Nast is selling off 3 of its publications due to a shrinking pool of advertisers and changes in the way content is consumed… …which in recent times isn’t so much…

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