train your customers

#210 How to Recession-Proof Your Business

By Tracy Matthews / July 16, 2019

Today’s topic is very close to my heart: recession-proofing your business.  If you’ve listened to my story, you know my first business got wiped out by the Great Recession of 2008.  I used to carry a lot of…

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#209 How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup

By Tracy Matthews / July 9, 2019

I’m beyond stoked about this week’s topic because it’s something the Flourish & Thrive Academy community knows all about… FEAR. Being an entrepreneur by definition pretty much means facing your fears… Putting yourself out there  Taking risks  Doing…

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#199 How to Get Big Exposure with Alternative Media Opportunities with Laura Powers

By Tracy Matthews / May 2, 2019

Pssst! There isn’t a “holy grail” to gaining big exposure. It’s gonna take some TRIAL and ERROR. After a lot of years as an entrepreneur, I’ve learned a few things about content… What works, what doesn’t, and the…

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#197 The Simple Way To Bring Cash Into Your Biz Fast

By Tracy Matthews / April 16, 2019

Does talking about making money in your biz make you squirm a little bit? It’s super hard when you pour yourself into your biz but aren’t making any money. It feels like no matter how amazing your work…

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Episode #196 The 75% Rule

By Tracy Matthews / April 9, 2019

There’s lots of confusion. What really matters to grow your business? Is it finances, sales, admin, social media, marketing, photography, pixeling your website, cleaning the dirt under your fingernails from that red rouge buffing compound…? The list is…

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#191 Train Your Customers To Buy From You Online

By Tracy Matthews / February 28, 2019

Yes, you can sell your jewelry online! Or have you been doubting yourself? We all feel great doing what we know…but why is it so hard to pivot out of our routines? The real big struggle is when…

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