The Power of Community and Being Fierce, Fabulous and Free: An Interview with Nisha Moodley
I September 19, 2012

It's official! I have a girl crush!
I had the amazing fortune to have a little chat with the inspiring, Nisha Moodley a few weeks ago. Nisha and I have been running around in the same circles for a while, however, it wasn't until I saw her speak at KC Baker's Well Spoken Women Event that the love-fest started.
Nisha is an advocate for the power of community and the freedom that it brings. I don't want to spoil the whole convo, so watch the video to see what I am talking about. You'll have a girl crush too.
How have you experienced the power of community in your business? Tell us in the comments!
@AskNisha tells hot to harness the power of community and the freedom that comes with it! via @Flourish_Thrive