The Secret to Making MORE Money by Doing Less Yourself

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Can I ask you a quick question?

Do you feel like you are working ALL of the time but you aren’t making the kind of income you desire??

Today I wanted to share a little secret with you about how I am able to make MORE money in my jewelry business by actually doing LESS work!

You might be thinking..

How could one possibly make MORE money by doing less??

Over the past several years, I’ve come up against several roadblocks that you might be able to relate to!

For years, I had a team of designers and support for TMD. When I started over, I was going back to basics and doing EVERYTHING: dealing with customer support, sales, designing, shipping and all of my website updates, etc (and everything else in between).

I was running things on such a shoestring budget that I didn’t even hire a bookkeeper to handle my books at first!

As soon as I could, I started to outsource the aspects of my business that did not need my direct attention.

Almost immediately, my time was freed up to do the things I loved, like designing and working with clients.

Step by step, I added more people to my team who could take care of different parts of my business so I could continue to focus on the areas of my business that I enjoy the most and offer the highest return on my time investment.

I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time trying to convince designers in the Flourish & Thrive community to start outsourcing parts of their business, but they resist like crazy.

So whether you are resistant or on board with me, I am going to show you The Secret to Making MORE Money by Doing Less Yourself.

Click to tweet: The Secret to Making MORE Money by Doing Less Yourself via @Flourish_Thrive pls RT

Now we want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us the following:

  1. Have you started outsourcing yet?
  2. What tasks can you outsource so you can focus on generating revenue?

If you want to learn more about creating more FREEDOM and revenue for your business, make sure you join us for our FREE training series called From Overwhelm to FREEDOM.

Go Here to Enroll in the series (it starts April 8th, 2015)