3 Success Strategies You Need to Survive in the New Economy of Wholesale

Mastering your wholesale jewelry business is an art!
Surviving in the new economy of wholesale can feel like a sink or swim business…and in fact it kind of is! Grabbing the attention of retail buyers is one thing–getting them to buy is another.
Retail buyers are extremely busy, so it’s up to you to make their job a lot easier. I was recently interviewing a buyer for our Design to Thrive Series and she mentioned she received 100 or more emails a day from new designers!
With that much information overload, jewelry buyers are seeking new ways to find new designers. As the face of the wholesale jewelry business has changed so has the “way” people are doing business.
Today I am going to teach you some “survival of the fittest” hacks for jewelry designers…
Here are 3 Success Strategies that You need to Survive in the New Economy of Wholesale.
Click to tweet: Survival of the fittest wholesale strategies via @flourish_thrive https://goo.gl/uR6gMh
Surviving in the new economy of wholesale is completely possible and viable for your business.
Are you someone who has already started contacting retail buyers but hasn’t gotten results? Or possibly, have you been wholesaling your collection for a while but are struggling to expand your business?
I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me the following:
- What is your biggest roadblock when it comes to selling your products to retail stores?
- List one strategy that has worked for you in getting a buyer’s attention.
For those of you who are serious about landing some serious DREAM stores, building more credibility for your brand, and expanding your exposure, make sure you check out our Mastering Wholesale course.
Go Here For All Of the Details