The Importance of Replenishing Yourself for All of Your Hard Work

Do you ever feel burnt out or lack creative ideas? Do you find that you are working into the wee hours of the night yet you don’t seem to be creating much progress or traction?
Yep, if you are anything like me, you’re probably raising your hand right now!
The root of the problem might be something that’s not even on your radar…
More than likely, you are focusing on working MORE to get results rather than identifying the real problem: You are OVERWORKED!
Today, I want to plant an idea into your creative, little brain… what if working “less” could actually help get you better results in your jewelry business?
Now isn’t that a novel idea?
Here’s the truth: I work myself to the bone sometimes. It’s not a good thing and because of my personality type, I know all too well how important it is to take some time off, refresh and rejuvenate.
If you can relate at all, and if you’ve ever felt like you are going going going… you are definitely going to love today’s episode.
Yes, summertime is a very important time to prep for the coming months. But you also need to take some time for you!
That’s why today I am going to tell you not to feel guilty about taking some time off and why working less will help you build a more successful business!
With all of this being said, we are going to be taking some time off from blogging for the next several weeks!
Don’t worry, if you are taking one of our courses, we’ll be here. We are just dialing back a bit to refresh…
Because of this, we won’t be posting any new content until September!
Make sure you join our list for free business advice and training… we’ll be sending you doses of inspiration to your inbox every week!
Just a final thought here… at the beginning of the year, I had two key intentions: to feel supported in my jewelry business and to take a few full weeks off in August so I could enjoy the weddings I was attending.
Team F&TA will be here, but I’ll be toasting the last few weeks of the month in Italy (fancy) and Hoboken (not as Fancy). Not to worry, I’ll be back more refreshed than ever with some great stuff for you!!!
One more thing: Tell us in the comments below how you are going to work less to build a better business.
Ok that’s all for now! I can’t wait to see how much more productive you are!
xo, Tracy (& Robin)
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